Join us to lift our eyes to Jesus, to lift up those who suffer and all who serve in the cause of mission.
“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” – CS Lewis
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Our quarterly prayer diary will help you pray intelligently for all those following Jesus to the edges.
An invitation to nurture prayerful presence
Latest prayer news
DR Congo: violent conflict
Please continue to pray for people in DR Congo, where conflict is raging on and more people are losing their lives. In addition to Goma, rebels have now taken the town of Bukavu, leading to more people being displaced and more deaths. Further north, in Ituri province, a different rebel group have killed more than…
Guatemala: support for local worship teams
Mission partners Azaria and David Pocasangre support vulnerable communities, especially young people and families, through partnership with local churches. Pray for guidance and wisdom for David as he leads a new process for people to join worship bands at local churches. Pray for the new process to encourage people to join their church’s worship band…
Spain/North Africa: considering a move
Please pray for mission partners based in Spain who are sharing Christ with as many people as they can and supporting Arab Christians across the Middle East. These mission partners are currently considering moving to another city so that their kids can attend a Christian high school. Pray that if this is God’s will, he…