Book reviews [Anvil vol 34 issue 1]

Anvil journal of theology and mission

Books reviewed this issue

1. Biblical Studies

Douglas A Campbell, Framing Paul: An Epistolary Biography (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014)

James D G Dunn, Christianity in theMaking Volume 3 – Neither Jew nor Greek: A Contested Identity (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015)

Michael J Gorman, Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul & his Letters, 2nd edition (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017)

2. Theology

Kate Bruce, Jamie Harrison, Eds., Wrestling with the Word: Preaching tricky texts (London: SPCK, 2016)

Fleming Rutledge, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017)

Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh, Sigrid Coenradie and Bert Dicou, Re-Imagining the Bible for Today, (London: SCM, 2017)

3. Mission

Michael Moynagh, Church In Life: Innovation, Mission and Ecclesiology (London: SCM Press, 2017)

Todd Wilson, Gerald Hiestand Eds., Becoming a Pastor Theologian: New Possibilities for Church Leadership (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2016)

Laura Sumner Truaux, Amalya Campbell, Love Let Go: Radical Generosity for the Real World (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017)

Stephen Platten, Ed., Oneness: The Dynamics of Monasticism (London: SCM, 2017)

4. Other

Timothy Dudley-Smith, A Functional Art: reflections of a hymn writer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017)

Thomas Dekker and Robert Hudson (Ed.), Four Birds of Noah’s Ark: a prayer book from the time of Shakespeare, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017)

Emmanuel Katongole, Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017)

Christine Mangla Frost, The Human Icon: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Orthodox Christian Beliefs (Cambridge: James Clarke and Co, 2017)

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