Information for DDOs
Information for DDOs
The CMS Oxford centre for Pioneer Mission Training has been a thriving network of life and growth for more than a decade.
CMS Pioneer Mission Training at a glance:
- Approved training pathway for any CofE ordinands, not just pioneers
- Undergraduate and postgraduate options, including African Christianity route through the MA
- Validated awards through Durham University (Common Awards) or Roehampton University (DTh)
- Partnership with Cuddesdon for priestly formation
- Regular DDO information events, online or in person
DDO open events
- Monday 10 March 2025, 11am to 1pm at CMS Oxford with lunch, or join via Zoom
- Thursday 15 May 2025, 11am to 1pm at CMS Oxford with lunch, or join via Zoom
- Download flyer
Email us to find out more:

“The reviewers commend the insights and experience of CMS in forming ministers with energy and resilience to take forward mission in a Post-Christian Britain.”
Ministry Council: Periodic External Review Report
Welcome to CMS Pioneer Mission Training
A small college with a large reach, we have successfully trained over 300 students and created pioneer networks and training hubs stretching the entirety of the British Isles, and now serving international students too.
Our curriculum covers all the areas of study you would expect to find at a regular theological college. We teach the Bible and church history, theology and reflective practice, spirituality and discipleship, pastoral care and ethics.
We see everything through the lens of mission. That is because our whole purpose is to equip Christian leaders for mission which works in contexts where traditional church has either failed or made no impact.
“Ordinands I have known who have trained with CMS in both Oxford and St Albans dioceses have valued the way in which it has developed and strengthened their pioneering skills. Ordinands have also appreciated how training with CMS has enabled them to draw on scripture and tradition as they reflect theologically on their experience.”
Rev Dr Quentin Chandler, Diocesan Director of Ordinands, Oxford Diocese

In-context training
Our students bring to the course their own experience of traditional and non-traditional church plants, youth ministry, working with homeless and broken people, and opening up innovative spaces for spiritual seekers. Their experience, which often comes from challenging contexts, deeply informs the way we learn together.
This means that our perspective on an academic subject such as church history focuses on the contextualisation of the gospel: How did the church spread? What caused the Christian faith to take root in a culture? What made it die away in other cultures? Who were the leaders who recognised that something new was required? Our course modules are taught by pioneering practitioners, as well as by academics.
“The training at CMS is second to none and I have been greatly stretched, challenged and excited all in equal measure! What I love about the training at CMS is the space they afford you to explore different approaches to understanding theology, they push you to continually ask questions, whilst providing the safe space for you to voice any fears or doubts you might have too.
“There are a broad range of traditions and backgrounds that you are privileged to mix with. Plus, training at Cuddesdon college allows you to do all this in a beautifully picturesque environment, like attending a mini retreat. The charismatic and conventional combine and sit alongside one another in relative harmony! Again, highly recommended!”
Rev Marcus Giddy (right), Ordained Pioneer Minister, Chelmsford Diocese

Get in touch
If you have a candidate for ordination you’re looking to place, or if you just want to find out more about what CMS offers, don’t hesistate to get in touch.
Canon Dr Cathy Ross
Pioneer Mission Training Oxford Leader
Sarah Clarke
Undergraduate Programme Lead
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