Moving to a different rhythm

Moving to a different rhythm

Amit could be a famous TikTok star, entertaining millions with his dance skills and choreography. Instead, he’s studying for ministry and living by faith alone.

Photo: “I believe that God will work through me in my community.” Amit is studying the Bible with Asia-CMS partners in Nepal

If you met Amit, you’d never know he was once a professional dancer and sought-after choreographer on a path to fame and fortune.

By Sarah Stone

This gentle young man is nervous and shaking as he begins sharing his story – how he found Jesus as a child raised in a different faith, almost lost him, and then found him again.

Now, facing financial challenges and the political and cultural pressures of being a Christian in a country that’s increasingly hostile to evangelism, 28-year-old Amit has one desire – to fulfil God’s vision. In pursuit of that goal, Amit is learning all he can about the Bible at a CMS partner college.

Amit grew up in a society dominated by many gods…
…but now he says his only hero is Jesus.

Here Amit shares in his own words why he sacrificed his dance career for the one thing he’ll never give up – Jesus.

The start of my faith journey – drums

My name is Amit and I am from the midwestern part of Nepal. My family were worshipping various gods and goddesses. When I was nine years old, my cousin took me to Sunday School. My mother didn’t stop me going to church because she had seen that [the Christian children] were so good in behaviour.

When I arrived there, I felt so good because there are many friends like me, and I saw they were singing, playing guitar, playing drums – and I had never seen that before. To be honest, I saw the drums, and I liked them so much. It was because of the drums I went to church.

“The Holy Spirit told me, ‘Amit, I love you more than your mother.’”

After keeping going, one day I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ is the Lord and only one Saviour of my life. I was convicted that I have to accept him.

A difficult decision: fame or faith

But after I came to faith, I became a professional dancer, and I also used to do choreography. Dance took me far from my Jesus.

One day during 2019, when I was 23, I heard a voice, the Holy Spirit, and that voice told me, “Amit, I love you more than your mother.” My mother loves me more than any other person loves me, so for the Holy Spirit to say he loves me more than even my mother, it shocked me. From that day, I quit dance.

“There are around 33 million gods and goddesses Nepali people worship. In the midst of this, we few Christians are living.” It’s hard, Amit says, “but we know that God works in the hard situations.”

Dance was my profession where I could earn money for me and my family. My dance group performed on many big stages, and we earned so much money and fame. So at that time, the thought came in my mind, “What will be your future? You have just one profession, one gift, one talent from which you can earn money.” And that used to kill me inside. So I thought, “I’ll go back to dance and just earn some money. And then I’ll come to Jesus again.”

All sorts of thoughts came inside me. But the Holy Spirit said to me, “No, you are not chosen for entertaining people. You are chosen to save the people.” So that voice provoked me to stay stable in faith.

Now I have only one desire, only one passion, only one vision – that I want to fulfil his vision. I want to be living evidence that proves Jesus Christ is still alive and there is power in the blood of Jesus.

Discovering more of Jesus

I wanted to know Jesus more, and I came to know that through his Word I can know him. But when I tried to find him through the Bible, I understood nothing, because there are so many things about Israel, about a different culture. So many parables I didn’t understand. So I decided to come to theological college to know Jesus through the Bible. I’m studying the Bible, and I’m getting closer towards him every day.

“I’m studying the Bible, and I’m getting closer towards him every day,” says Amit.

I’m living by faith. Now I’m in Bible college, I’m not earning money – I’m giving money for my study. So God is my provision.

This is not just a college, it’s a family. I’m going to remember every teacher, every friend and all the teachings. [Asia-CMS partners at the college] are doing so much. A lot of things I have learned, not just from their teaching, but from their life. They are really a good mentor for all the students, they are giving their 100 per cent day and night.

Whatever I have learned here, I want to teach to my people. First, I plan to go to my church, that church who really prayed for me and who taught me about Jesus. I want to go back to my church, and I want to teach whatever I have learned, and I want to serve.

I know that my community will not appreciate me, because in my community I think there are only three or four houses who are in faith out of more than 300 houses. But I believe that God will work through me in my community. I think that’s why I am here in Bible college.

“This is not just a college, it’s a family.” Amit is preparing to go back to his home community to share about Jesus.

My whole family, my father, my mother and my one elder sister, also came to Jesus Christ after five years. I prayed for them. [They saw my faith.] But it’s not of my effort. I can say it’s God’s grace. We all are saved, and we all are in faith.

I’m so happy and I really thank my Lord Jesus Christ. He didn’t just choose me, but he also chose my family. He saved my family. There are so many relatives who still haven’t accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, but I believe that he again will show his mercy.

“I have no fear”

In our Nepali context, it’s hard, because Nepal is a majority Hindu country. There are around 33 million gods and goddesses Nepali people worship. In the midst of this, we few Christians are living. It’s culturally difficult and it’s politically also difficult. It’s so hard, but we know that God works in the hard situations.

I don’t have any kind of fear to tell people that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord. Every morning at 4am I come to the chapel to pray for the people of Nepal. I feel the Holy Spirit is always nearby. I always feel his presence. The Holy Spirit is my teacher, my senior partner, my best friend. He is the reason that I am alive.

When I left dance my friends used to call me and want me to go back, because I was a good dancer, a good choreographer. Still now they want me on stage for the money. But I didn’t turn back. And I’ll not go.

In my testimony, there is one hero, and he’s Jesus Christ.

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