All stories


Read about the difference your prayers and gifts make in the lives of people at the edges

  • Sharing skills, community and Jesus

    Mission partner Garry Ion reports on Carlisle’s Community Shed, from seasonal crafts to a former prisoner sharing his faith.

  • “I chose Jesus”

    Despite a rift with her family and great hardship, Mariam says she has no regrets about following Jesus

  • The fellowship on the roof

    What happened when South Asian believers opened their home to serve their community?

  • From armed militia to minister

    What can make someone go from being part of an armed militia to a minister of the gospel?

  • Sparks of new life in the Middle East

    A young Syrian refugee labourer toiling in Lebanon had his eyes opened to Jesus through a magazine. And he’s not alone.

  • Journeying with Jonathan

    Mission partner Sharon Wilcox has walked with a young man with learning difficulties for over a decade and seen him go from pity to possibility…

  • Celebrating 25 years of breakfast (and baptisms)

    How Hull mission partners made breakfast the most important meal of the community

  • “The blood of Christ is thicker than tribal identity”

    Karobia Njogu of CMS-Africa tells a remarkable story of steps towards peace

  • New centre for new indigenous leaders

    Thanks to your support, new leaders are building faith on a firm foundation

  • Peace through forgiveness

    Lilias and her family were kept in a war zone by their own memories but discovered that because of Jesus, peace is possible.

  • Pulled back from the edge

    Suddenly, gunfire was all around. Betty took the children by the hand and ran. What else could she do?

  • A wake-up call

    Read how one woman in northern Argentina went from losing everything to finding the light of Jesus