DR Congo: ongoing conflict
“We still need your prayers,” writes partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia. Bisoke shares that tribalism and division is creeping into churches and that the ongoing conflict and suffering is causing many people to lose their faith. Pray for people to put their hope in God and not to give up.
Sudan: sharing the hope of Jesus in conflict
CMS-Africa and Hassan James, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kadugli and the Nuba Mountains, ask for prayer for the security situation in Sudan, especially in the conflict zones of the Nuba Mountains. Pray for the church’s witness to remain strong and for Christians to keep sharing the real hope that Jesus offers amid these […]
DR Congo: peace in Goma
Please keep praying for peace and stability in Goma and for all CMS partners serving in Goma. There are reports of growing insecurity on the streets and 4.6 million people in the region have now been displaced. Pray for God to position his people strategically to help those in need and pray for peace to […]
Madagascar: training and recovery from cyclone
CMS-Africa country coordinator for Madagascar, Ialy Tongasoa, is conducting various training programmes in Ampasimanjeva over the next few weeks: 3D (Discover, Develop, Deploy; training to help young people identify, develop and start using their skills), F4 (Financial Freedom for Families; a biblical stewardship and budgeting course) and women’s empowerment training. Pray for people in Ampasimanjeva […]
Uganda: rain and healing
We praise God with Judith Murungi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Uganda, for the start of rainy season, which offers hope to agricultural communities across the country. Pray for lots of rain so that farmers can enjoy a good harvest in a few months’ time. CMS-Africa also ask for prayer for a partner called Seme Peter, […]
DR Congo: Goma update
The most recent RDC [Congolese] government estimates are that 8,500 died in the recent battle to take Goma. Since then, the conflict has spread to Bukavu on the south of Lake Kivu as the M23 rebels continue their advance. 330,000 additional children are out of school and more than 500,000 people have been displaced bringing […]
Ethiopia: fostering a baby
Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson recently started fostering a malnourished baby, helping him gain weight before having surgery for cleft lip and hopefully being adopted: “It’s been a joy to welcome him into our family, and we’ve already seen significant progress in just the couple of weeks he’s been with us. Praise God for […]
North Africa: trauma counselling partnership
Mission partners H and M teach healthcare and first aid, share God’s love in everyday contexts, lead trekking groups and disciple local Christians. H is now also engaged in trauma counselling, but needs another woman to join her in this work so they can share the load and support each other. Pray for God to […]
UK: CMS Southern conference
Members and friends of CMS are organising an online conference 21-22 March. Please pray for the organising team and that all the speakers will be able to join (Including Martin Gordon and Bisoke Balikenga from DRC). To join in: https://churchmissionsociety.org/blog/events/cms-southern-conference-2025/
DRC: Aftermath of Goma fighting
One of our correspondents from an Anglican parish in Goma reports: “The weapons picked up in the street by the people while the FARDC [Congolese army] were fleeing already constitute a great danger for the population of Goma. Every night we can no longer sleep because these young bandits especially those who were released from […]
Tanzania: for people to meet Jesus
In Usa River, near Arusha, mission partners Ben and Katy Ray run a centre where they offer training and hope of employment to people with disabilities through charity SAFI. Ben and Katy have also started a Sunday Christian fellowship at the centre. Pray for people who wouldn’t normally enter a church to come along on […]
DR Congo: violent conflict
Please continue to pray for people in DR Congo, where conflict is raging on and more people are losing their lives. In addition to Goma, rebels have now taken the town of Bukavu, leading to more people being displaced and more deaths. Further north, in Ituri province, a different rebel group have killed more than […]