DR Congo: protection from rebel groups

Local partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia, reports that the rebel groups around Goma are approaching Bunia. Please pray for safety for the people of Bunia and for the rebel groups to encounter the presence of God and turn their hearts towards peace. Pray for God’s protection over upcoming CMS-Africa women’s and youth […]

Ethiopia: training church leaders

Earlier this year, mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson were struggling with complications regarding permission for Chris to enter a refugee camp to deliver training to church leaders. Chris and Suzy now write that SIM Ethiopia’s leadership team has helped to address these complications and Chris has been able resume teaching in the camps and […]

Madagascar: rural communities with limited healthcare

Ialy Tongasoa, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Madagascar, asks for prayer for the rural communities in Toliara, where a lot of people are affected by malaria and most live far away from medical centres. Please also pray for local partner Florent Lahitody, who is undergoing surgery this month.

Peace through forgiveness

Lilias and her family were kept in a war zone by their own memories but discovered that because of Jesus, peace is possible.

Pulled back from the edge

Suddenly, gunfire was all around. Betty took the children by the hand and ran. What else could she do?

DR Congo: ongoing conflict

Please pray for the people of DR Congo, where conflict is ongoing and the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) was reported at 6.9 million last year. According to mission partner Martin Gordon, bishop of Goma, 700,000 people have come to Goma since Nov 2021, and the IDP camps where they are staying are less […]

Kenya: visa and restoration of peace and stability

Pray for Aaron Stanbury as he tries to sort out his visa to continue serving in Nairobi. Please also pray for restoration of peace and stability in Kenya, where there have been demonstrations against proposed tax rises. Pray against the use of excessive force and for young people to be patient, for the government to […]

South Sudan: new placement

Nicci Maxwell flies out on Sunday to go to her new placement serving as a doctor at Al Sabah Children’s Hospital, Juba, South Sudan, and at a nearby refugee camp. Pray for Nicci as she settles into a new country and role.

Tanzania: upcoming visit

Please pray for Charles, an Africa mission associate, ahead of his trip to Tanzania, 27 May to 13 August. Please pray for safe travels, protection from illness and for productive time spent with colleagues there.

North Africa: Christians under pressure

A partner working with Christians in North Africa shares a prayer request from local Christian leaders: “Pray for local Christian believers to be encouraged. Believers here face some challenges that are unique to this environment. There is a significant groundswell of social pressure to follow Islam. Choosing to go against that tide, and follow Jesus, […]

Ethiopia: theological training for refugees

Please pray for mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson and the Refugee Theological Education Project which Chris is leading in western Ethiopia. Pray for continued access to the refugee camps, good relationships with the authorities, and for the church leaders participating to develop better relationships with church leaders from other ethnic groups and denominations. Chris […]

North Africa: mission leaders gathering

Please pray for a gathering of international mission leaders who are collaborating with CMS on major focus areas of our work. It takes place in North Africa next week. Give thanks for this opportunity to come together, alongside some people in mission and representatives of other CMS organisations for fellowship, learning exchange and mutual support […]