Joseph Noel Sati, South Sudan

Church leader and country coordinator, working to build the capacity of local churches in Sudan and South Sudan using CMS-Africa’s courses

Paul and Regina Lueth, South Sudan

Church planting, training pastors and evangelists and teaching theology at St John’s Theological College in Wau

Hassan James, Sudan

Assistant bishop of Kadugli diocese, training church leaders and young people, preaching the word and serving the church

Stephen Hatch, Tanzania

Investing in children’s futures and spiritual growth through working as a maths and IT teacher and in chaplaincy at St John’s Seminary

Nicci Maxwell, South Sudan

Providing paediatric and neonatal medical care to local and refugee communities, and training and supporting local paediatric teams

Heather Johnstone, Tanzania

Helping to empower the most disadvantaged women and children in Mara through the Rehema Project.

Jeff Sikabwe, DR Congo

Country coordinator involved in CMS-Africa’s training courses, mentoring and advocacy

Chris and Suzy Wilson, Ethiopia

Working in reconciliation and peacebuilding with local Christian leaders.

Ben and Katy Ray, Tanzania

Working with people with disabilities, providing training so they can earn a living

Bisoke Balikenga, DR Congo

Provincial youth worker investing in young people through encouraging them in their education and peacemaking and raising up new leaders

Caroline and Dick Seed, South Africa

Training Bible teachers in key theological institutions across the African continent and beyond

Rachel Karanja, Kenya

Working to see God transform communities through innovative businesses, including biogas programmes, faith-driven farming groups and more