Madagascar: CMS-Africa training the trainers

Ialy Tongasoa, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator in Madagascar, asks prayer for a “training of trainers” event taking place from 13 May, led by local partner Jeff Sikabwe, to enable others to deliver CMS-Africa’s training and empowerment programmes. Pray for participants and also that people will stay healthy – the cold season always comes with flu, he says. 

DR Congo: ongoing discussions

On Tuesday 7 May a roundtable discussion will bring together a number of people involved in making disciples in contexts affected by conflict to consider “The Role of Women and Youth in Implementing Wholistic Discipleship Programmes in eastern DRC”. This gathering will create space to share case studies on the pivotal role played by women […]

Kenya: flooding

East Africa continues to be affected by flooding, and this week Kenya has been badly hit. Local partner Rachel Karanja shared that her home village was affected by a nearby dam bursting. She sent this prayer request: “Pray for our friends affected by flooding in Mai Mahiu after a dam burst and swept everything downstream. […]

Burundi: flood recovery

We continue to pray for the people of Burundi trying to recover from devastating flooding, with thousands of people affected. Please pray for a robust government and international aid response. On the world stage, Burundi is often seemingly forgotten “but the church here is crying out to God not to forget the people in this […]

Africa: CMS-Africa communications

Our network partners CMS-Africa are searching for a new communications officer. Please pray for God to provide a skilled person for this important role.

DR Congo

Martin Gordon, bishop of Goma and a CMS mission partner, asks for prayer for: a renewed commitment among political authorities to finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict in eastern Congo, for aid to reach the seven million internally displaced people in the east of DRC and for pastors in the IDP camps […]

Focus on Africa 2024

An opportunity to hear about the work of CMS mission partners in Africa and pray together.

South Africa: travelling

Please pray for mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed (based in South Africa) as they travel for work: for Dick as he finishes up a week in Sierra Leone conducting curriculum development consultations, and for Caroline as she prepares to go to Kenya for the Overseas Council International consultation on women in senior leadership later […]

Burundi: flooding

Over 6,000 families were driven out of their homes by the flooding of Lake Tanganyika in May. Local partner Onesphore Ndayizigamiye asks for continued prayer for all those affected.

Project Lead, Africa

Do you have gifts in administration and enjoy working cross-culturally? Are you able to bring clarity to complex projects?

Uganda: college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell write that Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College (still) has yet to be officially registered. Please pray for obstacles to be removed so that the paperwork can be finalised.

Sudan: peace and stability

Bishop Hassan James, a local partner, asks for prayer for peace and stability in Sudan. Pray for the war to cease, and food and necessary supplies to reach those affected. Pray for God’s protection for all those who are displaced and pray for the message of the gospel to be spread, especially now while people […]