Burundi: seeing fruit
Mission associate Michael Hunter is currently in Burundi, teaching two courses on the Old Testament in Bujumbura. We give thanks with Michael that God is clearly on the move and people’s lives are being changed. A former student who is in now charge of a parish reports that from starting nine years ago with three […]
Madagascar: new saving group
CMS-Africa’s country coordinator in Madagascar, Ialy Tongasoa, asks for prayer for 20 people participating in a new saving group in Miandrivazo. The group is led by Mme Anja, who participated in women’s empowerment training earlier this year. Praise God that Mme Anja is applying her training and growing in confidence and skills. Pray for the […]
Hope from the Edges October 2024
Watch our latest good news stories from Brazil, South Sudan and Hull, UK!
“The blood of Christ is thicker than tribal identity”
Karobia Njogu of CMS-Africa tells a remarkable story of steps towards peace
Sudan: war escalating
Local partner Bishop Hassan James writes that the war in Sudan is escalating, especially in Darfur and Al-Fashir, and that many families have been displaced. Pray for opportunities for believers to reach displaced people with the gospel and demonstrate God’s love to them. Pray for those driving the conflict to be ready to engage in […]
Uganda: positive messages in refugee camps
We praise God with local partner Sam Malish for recent distribution of mini-speakers among South Sudanese refugees. Pray for refugees’ hearts to be open and for them to meet Jesus as they listen to the messages of trauma healing, peacebuilding, child protection, positive parenting and Christian teaching.
Uganda: short-termers settling in
Short-termers Emily and Matt Grimwade and their son left the UK and travelled to Arua in northern Uganda this past week. Pray for them as they begin to settle in and start working with local partner Sam Malish.
Across Africa
We pray for our colleagues in our sister organisation CMS-Africa, as they lead excellent wholistic training programmes in multiple countries. We pray also for people in mission who are making disciples of Jesus in areas in Africa that are facing continued violent armed conflict, that more and more people of peace will be raised up […]
Tanzania: renewal of residence and work permits
Mission partner Heather Johnstone writes that her work and residence permits have been approved for a further two-year period. We give thanks for this open door for Heather to continue her work with some of the most disadvantaged women and children in Mara. Praise God for the Rehema cafe and shop’s recent busy season and […]
Uganda: registration of college and lay reader training
Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for the registration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College, which has been a long time coming. Pray also for the term of lay reader training which runs from September to December.
DR Congo: encouragement in the forest
Mission partner Martin Gordon recently shared how encouraged he was by a visit to the archdeaconry of Walikale in the Diocese of Goma. Give thanks with him that people in the diocese are open to Jesus, and that hundreds have recently been baptised. Please pray for courage, strength and vision for newly commissioned church leaders […]
Sudan: peace and stability
Pray for peace and stability in Sudan, as it marks 500 days of war. Our local partner Bishop Hassan James writes “the humanitarian situation is very difficult and the hunger is severe” and seeks our prayer. Bishop Hassan asks for prayers particularly for the needs of food in Sudan and for medical services, and missional […]