Trauma specialists, Africa

Are you experienced in trauma healing and counselling and feeling a call to use your skills in a new setting?

Youth discipleship, Africa

Do you want to be a part of helping a generation make a new start in the face of conflict?

Peace building and conflict resolution, Africa

Do you have knowledge and experience of peace building and conflict resolution in an international context?

Community transformation advisors, Africa

Do you have a mind for business and a passion to help others?

Uganda: Rooted in Jesus

Give thanks for the recent successful Rooted in Jesus conference that was held in the Diocese of Northern Uganda. Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, who work with the diocese in Gulu, report that 240 people attended. Rooted in Jesus is a group course in Christian discipleship written for use in Africa. It is the only […]

South Sudan: pray for peace

CMS local partner Sam Malish shares: “I plead with the church worldwide to pray with us that South Sudanese forgive each other and trust in God. Pray for the leaders, that they put the people of South Sudan before themselves and see that they are part of the solution.” Sam works with fellow South Sudanese […]

UK: Africa conference

This weekend CMS’s Africa conference takes place at CMS House in Oxford. Please pray for an encouraging time of sharing together. Please pray in particular for all of the organisational details to come together, for safe travel for supporters attending and that all would be inspired by what God is doing across Africa.

Tragedy, trauma, transformation

Refugees in northern Uganda are seeing how following Jesus makes peace possible

Partnership makes peace possible

Where years of war make it tempting to give up on peace, our local partner Sam Malish explains why he keeps going.

A world longing for peace

Join with us in prayer for seven areas of conflict in our troubled world

Ethiopia: equipping refugee leaders

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson are helping train church leaders in refugee camps. They write, “…we’re aiming to provide preaching and leadership training to about 60 different church leaders this year, as well as providing basic discipleship training for another group of about 10 to 20 women.” Please pray for the logistics, as it’s […]

DR Congo: peace

Martin Gordon shares that the only thing people in the east of the country want for Christmas is peace. Please pray for those who are behind the conflict – that God would turn their hearts from war to peace. Pray for the work of the churches to promote peace, through trauma healing and mediation. Pray […]