Neema and Jigsaw: 20 years at the edges

Two pioneering CMS ventures notch up their 20th anniversary in 2023

Making a difference to those on the edge of life

Piriyo, a young man in north east DR Congo, struggled to move around or do much more than sit on a mat outside his hut.

Sudan: ongoing violence in Khartoum

Pray for the people of Khartoum, where the violent conflict which began in April this year continues to cause destruction, devastation, loss of life and tear families apart. Pray for peace and reconciliation to come to this broken nation and for God’s healing to be poured out.

Uganda: Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for wisdom as they develop relationships and assess the priorities for their work in Gulu, Uganda. Pray, too, for Sarah as she battles with the bureaucracy necessary to register Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College with the National Council for Higher Education. This is by no means […]

Uganda/South Africa

Theological training bears fruit for the long term, say mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed in South Africa. “In 2019, we asked for prayer for Andrew Nalumenya from Uganda Christian University (UCU) who was pursuing a PhD under Caroline’s supervision.” Give thanks with the Seeds that Andrew has now been awarded his doctorate and is […]

“I’m not done until I’m done”

Anti-FGM campaigner Ann-Marie Wilson shares her hard-won wisdom on how to keep going in mission

Voice of violence, or voice of hope?

Back from DR Congo, mission partner Berdine asks which voices will we listen to – the loud shout of fear or the quieter tones of faith and hope?

Holiness in the humdrum

Suzy Wilson, CMS mission partner in Ethiopia, reflects on her current season of mission and mothering

The Woman at the Gate

Tom and Verity Clare reflect on healthcare and discipleship for people at the edges in north-west Uganda

A school for peace

A new primary school in conflict-torn Sudan is laying the foundations for peace.

CMS partner’s fight to end FGM recognised in New Year Honours List

Dr Ann-Marie Wilson awarded MBE

A listening year

Church Mission Society has bold mission plans, but we dare not launch them without first listening to Jesus, to each other and to voices from the edges.