Book review: The Forgotten Creed

Paul Thaxter is impressed by an argument that "us and them" thinking was ruled out by an early Christian creed.

YouTube review: Body Language

Emily Roux responds to a heart-provoking and honest conversation between two champions of our faith, Christine Caine and Dr Anita Phillips

Book review: Ghost Ship

Jonny Baker is grateful to Azariah France Williams for a gift of a book

Book review: Me and White Supremacy

Rachel Smith is challenged to change by Layla F Saad

Book review: Beyond Colorblind

Mark Simpson on a great handbook for our days

YouTube review: “We Need to Talk about Race”

Ann-Marie Wilson is rallied to action by two timely pieces of media

Book review: Nervous Conditions

Nicole Stephens gains insight from Tsitsi Dangarembga's classic

Book review: The Cross and the Lynching Tree

Jonny Baker gets educated by James Cone

An afterword from Paul Thaxter, CMS Director of International Mission

Paul Thaxter reflects and responds on his reading of this edition of ANVIL.

Racism: dishonouring the image of God

An exploration of the expression of racism in the Church’s mission and ministry through various interpretative lenses

Let me breathe!

Let Me Breathe by Natasha Godfrey is a visceral responses to the murder of George Floyd: a protest, a plea, and a prayer. Above all, it is a lament, a prophetic complaint appealing to the heart of God, and whatever humanity is still present in those listening.

Fault lines and factions

Eleasah raises a number of pertinent questions about normative whiteness as the frame of theological reflection and missional development, and its failure to imaginatively engage with the experience of oppression and liberative aspirations of many black Christians in their quest for God.