“How rich the Kingdom of God is!”

Pastor Dupe Adefala recounts the experience of planting a church in the UK, the challenges of minoritised living, the painful reminder of racial fault lines in British society and everyday experiences of racism in her interview with James Butler.

Home is where the heart is

Gilberto Da Silva Afonso reminds us that there is no theology that is not at its heart biography. Through the complex historical and socio-political landscape of his heritage, Gilberto illustrates both the tension and opportunity of hybridised identity.

When the poisonous tree attempts to produce an antidote

Colonialism, colonial CMS missions and the caste system in Kerala by Rev Shemil Mathew and Rev Dr Anderson Jeremiah

The need for lament

Do you care to feel my pain and take this journey with me?

Colonialism, missions and the imagination

A critical overview of the legacy of CMS’s mission with a particular focus on Ugandan experience.

Racial tension in mission

Bishop Emmanuel Egbunu provides a clear overview of the shameful humiliation of Bishop Ajayi Crowther by European colleagues and the far reaching impact this has had.

Hope reimagined

Lusa explores how the murder of George Floyd offers a critical vantage point from which to rethink and redefine mission in ways that lead towards transformed structures and restored relationships.

Mission after George Floyd

A crystal-clear view of how white privilege and white supremacy have made mission in their own image

Editorial: Faultlines in mission

Exploring the legacy of empire as we look towards a future in which racial justice and reconciliation are an achievable reality.