Book review: The Church and Its Vocation
A brilliant survey of Lesslie Newbigin's work that lacks a little of the great man's imagination, finds James Butler.
Book review: The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor
Cathy Ross enjoys a great book for those who want to be reminded of our discipleship to Jesus, to the poor and to the earth.
Book review: Reimagining Mission from Urban Places
A UK book on mission, and exactly the sort of thinking that the church needs right now, says Jonny Baker.
Book review: Making New Disciples
An ideal book for students and local Christian leaders with both a desire to engage in evangelism and an open mind, says John Darch
Video: Agony births reality
Autoethnographic video by CMS Pioneer MA student, Katy Partridge, exploring chaos as the start of new creation.
Audio: the outrageous light of this world
In this podcast interview Chris Duffett talks to Camilla Lloyd about art and mission.
Video: Socially engaged art with Lou Baker
Artist Lou Baker explores mutual creativity and relational creation between the artist and the recipient.
Video: “God is a creative God”
Rev. Sarah Flashman explores how creativity can be a powerful tool in helping people to explore their own spirituality.
The televisual art and theology of online worship
Priest and broadcaster Martin Poole explains how worship in a pandemic is a “both/and” experience for the church’s gathered, yet dispersed, body.
The art of anger
Theatre practitioner Rachel Griffiths explains how socially engaged artists can provide a space for righteous anger to be expressed.