South Asia: theological education
Praise God for a good start for a newly enrolled cohort of students doing a Master of Arts in Christian Studies in South Asia. They began their first module on research methods earlier this month and are now doing some field research before returning to their base for the second half of the module next […]
Thailand: Sunday school staff
Pray for more staff for Sunday school at Jason and Tracy Day’s church in Chiang Mai, where Tracy is Sunday school team leader. Pray for people to be convicted of the need to teach children about God and his word and what it means to live as Jesus wants us to, and join the team.
India: a better future for girls and women
Mission partner Ann-Marie Wilson, working to stop and prevent female genital mutilation (FGM) around the world where it is practised, has spent the past couple of weeks working against FGM in India. As she prepares to travel home on 17 February, pray for stamina to finish the trip well and for safety in travel. Pray […]
South East Asia: SENIA conference
Mission partners A and L, supporting people to live in freedom from addiction (A) and championing the cause of children with special needs (L), ask for prayer for an upcoming Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Association (SENIA) conference next month. As chairperson of the local chapter of SENIA, L is busy preparing for the event, […]
Thailand: visas and air quality
Mission partners Elise and Jon Fletcher ask for prayer as they renew visas for their family over the next few weeks. As Jon takes several day-long trips to immigration, pray for favour with officials and for the process to move quickly. Pray for progress in finding a more stable way to be in the country […]
Thailand: a job for Narin
Please pray for a Narin, a friend of mission partners Jason and Tracy Day. Narin came off the streets last year and is still without a job. Please pray that he can get one before he ends up back on the streets again. Please also pray that he can grow in his understanding of who […]
Nepal: opposition and persecution
Mission associates ask for prayer for the Church in Nepal, which is facing increasing opposition and persecution. Pray for Christians to be encouraged in their faith and for unity among leaders. Pray, too, for God to raise up new leaders and open up training opportunities for them so that the church can grow even faster […]
Asia: collaborating for effective mission
Please pray for CMS and Asia-CMS as the two organisations develop plans and work together towards being even more effective in mission across Asia. Pray for open communication and unity in the Spirit.
South Asia: connecting with local families
E and R live in South Asia, where mission partner E teaches theology and R is CMS’s manager in Asia. E and R share that their church’s local-language sister church connects with local families through an after-school children’s programme. Please pray for the families who are coming into contact with people from the church – […]
South East Asia: Celebrate Recovery
“Please keep Celebrate Recovery in your prayers,” write mission partners A and L. A helps to run several Celebrate Recovery groups, free support groups for people grappling with addictions of any kind. Praise God that this ministry is fruitful and that so many people give their time to come alongside others. Pray for God to […]
Nepal: palliative care
Pray for one of our mission associates as he heads back to Nepal at the beginning of February for a few weeks. As International Nepal Fellowship’s palliative care project wraps up at the end of March, pray for a good closing conference and useful evaluation. Pray, too, for those scoping out future opportunities within the […]
Peru: Indigenous Mission Synod
An indigenous mission synod will be held in Lima, Peru from 16–20 January. Indigenous leaders from across Latin America will be meeting to pray, discern, discuss and plan activities for this new year in God’s mission, focusing on leadership formation. As they review the last year, give thanks for all those who have been equipped […]