South Asia: connecting with local families

E and R live in South Asia, where mission partner E teaches theology and R is CMS’s manager in Asia. E and R share that their church’s local-language sister church connects with local families through an after-school children’s programme. Please pray for the families who are coming into contact with people from the church – […]

South East Asia: Celebrate Recovery

“Please keep Celebrate Recovery in your prayers,” write mission partners A and L. A helps to run several Celebrate Recovery groups, free support groups for people grappling with addictions of any kind. Praise God that this ministry is fruitful and that so many people give their time to come alongside others. Pray for God to […]

Nepal: palliative care

Pray for one of our mission associates as he heads back to Nepal at the beginning of February for a few weeks. As International Nepal Fellowship’s palliative care project wraps up at the end of March, pray for a good closing conference and useful evaluation. Pray, too, for those scoping out future opportunities within the […]

Peru: Indigenous Mission Synod

An indigenous mission synod will be held in Lima, Peru from 16–20 January. Indigenous leaders from across Latin America will be meeting to pray, discern, discuss and plan activities for this new year in God’s mission, focusing on leadership formation. As they review the last year, give thanks for all those who have been equipped […]

Tibet: earthquake

Please pray for Tibet as people recover and rebuild following this week’s 7.1-magnitude earthquake. Over 120 people have been killed and more may have died due to hypothermia while trapped beneath rubble. Pray for encouragement, strength and stamina for all those involved in treating the injured and helping the displaced. Where provisions fall short, pray […]

Vietnam: evangelistic gatherings

We praise God with CMS’s manager in Asia for evangelistic gatherings which have recently taken place in Vietnam. Praise God that people have heard the truth proclaimed. Pray for the seeds of faith that have been sown to take root and grow.

Hope from the Edges January 2025

Watch our latest good news stories from South Asia, Ecuador and the UK!

Middle East: peace

Please pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in the Middle East this Christmas and turn people’s hearts to reconciliation and peace. Pray for wisdom for leaders in Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and beyond, and for courageous leadership that embraces humility and vulnerability for the sake of peace with justice across the region. […]

South Asia: consultation in the New Year

Please pray for the South Asia Christian Youth Network (SACYN) as they plan for a 2025 consultation on intergenerational leadership. Pray for God’s leading for the team so that they can make decisions in unity and facilitate a productive, Spirit-led consultation.

Worldwide: Christmas break

As CMS people in mission and staff celebrate Christmas, please pray for a restful time with family and friends for those who will see them, and a meaningful time of celebrating the coming of Jesus for all. For those in countries where there is persecution, pray for safety. Pray for fresh vision for how God […]

South Asia: theological education exhibition

Give thanks for a theological education exhibition that took place in early December where around 70 theological education institutions, Christian publishers and media channels showcased their programmes. Continue to pray for interest from members of the local Christian community and that many Christians may be motivated to learn more about their faith as a result.

Syria: ongoing crisis

Please pray for Syria, where the ongoing crisis has escalated recently. Different groups have been fighting to try to seize control of the country since 2011, and after Syrian rebels took control of the country’s capital last week, President Bashar al-Assad escaped to Russia, which prompted celebrations in the streets of the capital. Pray for […]