Taiwan: after the earthquake

Give thanks for the World Anglican Chinese Clergy Fellowship that took place the week after the earthquake in Taiwan. It was a great time together with participants from all over the world. Continue to pray for Taiwan in the aftermath of the earthquake and especially the Hualien area (the epicentre of the earthquake was 18km southwest of […]

South Asia: connecting with house churches

A local partner in South Asia has started a number of house fellowships but is now finding it hard to connect with them due to persecution. Please pray protection over him and his family and for God to open secure lines of communication.

India: elections

India’s elections begin today and will take the next few weeks to complete. Please pray for the elections to be peaceful and for the right person and party to form the government.

Asia: people in mission in transition

Several of our people in mission in Asia are currently in transition. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as couples and families navigate visa requirements, settling down and finding jobs or retiring. Pray for a smooth process, as transitions in general are stressful times.

Taiwan: earthquake aftermath

Please keep praying for the people of Taiwan as they continue to deal with the aftermath of the recent earthquake. Praise God that mission partner Catherine Lee is safe and pray for her as she continues in ministry with the Diocese of Taiwan.

Taiwan: earthquake

Please pray for Taiwan after the earthquake this last Wednesday. It mainly hit the Hualien area and there have been many aftershocks. Bishop Lennon Yuan-Rung Chang, who works with mission partner Catherine Lee, writes, “Our church in Hualien, St Luke’s Church, received minor damage only. The vicar, Rev Antony F W Liang, has spent the day […]

South Asia: returning to the UK

Please pray for mission partners in South Asia who are in the process of preparing to transition back to the UK. Pray for peace for each member of the family, for all the practical things that need to fall into place and especially for the visa process to go smoothly.

South Asia: Christian Youth Conference 2024

Please pray for wisdom for our partners in Asia as they organise this year’s conference. They can no longer hold the conference in Sri Lanka as they had been planning to due to elections. Pray for the team as they consider where to hold the conference instead.

Taiwan earthquake

As Taiwan faces the aftermath of a devastating earthquake, let's pray for the people affected and the government as they navigate this challenging time. May they find strength, comfort, and resources to overcome.

The “little people” matter to God

Rev Dr Chan Nam Chen of Asia-CMS reflects on the best mission strategy: being led by the Holy Spirit

Myanmar: ongoing conflict

Please pray for people in Myanmar, where civil conflict has been ongoing since autumn 2023. The Myanmar government is planning to conscript men (and later women) aged 18–35, beginning in late April. The announcement of these plans in January caused many young people to flee to Thailand. Please pray for wisdom and protection for those […]

Philippines: unity among churches

Mission partners Eric and Sandra Read ask for prayer as they seek to unite local churches in ministry. Pray for local church leaders to be open to working together to reach out and minister to young people and children.