South Asia: thesis-writing workshop

F, who recently finished service as a mission partner with CMS, asks for prayer for a thesis-writing workshop taking place this weekend for degree-level students. Pray for the facilitators and participants on this workshop – run by the theological education organisation F worked with in South Asia – and all thesis-writing students of this organisation […]

Taiwan: Typhoon Kong-rey

Please pray for the people of Taiwan (and mission partner Catherine Lee, who serves there) as they are hit by the biggest typhoon in 30 years. Pray for people to find safe places to shelter, for minimal damage, and for strength and encouragement for those clearing up afterwards.

India: Cyclone Dana

Pray for the eastern states of Odisha and West Bengal, where 1.5 million people are being evacuated from the path of an approaching cyclone, and thousands of relief workers are ready to respond to the destruction that may occur. Pray for God’s protection and that people who find themselves in a desperate situation may find […]

Thailand: flood aftermath and Narin

Mission partners Jason and Tracy Day, based in Chiang Mai, ask for prayer for the city and all those whose lives have been devastated. Pray for people to be able to recover and that God brings some good out of it all. Please also pray for Jason and Tracy’s friend Narin, who has been unemployed […]

Asian-focused MA approved as CofE training pathway

It's official! CofE ordinands can train on the Asian Christianity route through the CMS Pioneer Mission Training MA.

South Asia: church visits and final leave

Please pray for mission partner F, who returned to the UK in mid-September and is now on final leave until the end of January. F has a hectic schedule of church visits ahead of her – pray for safety as she travels and energy for each new church visit. Pray for those to whom she […]

South Asia: upcoming education conference

Please pray for mission partner L as she leads planning for an upcoming education conference. Pray for wisdom for L and for the planning team as a whole, and for them to be of one mind as they make decisions. Pray for L’s husband A as he seeks God’s guidance for his next steps in ministry.

Asia: floods

Continue to pray for the aftermath of the flooding across many Asian countries including Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam. Some of our local partners in Nepal have had to relocate to higher ground.

South Asia: travelling and teaching

Please pray for CMS’s manager in Asia as she travels this month for CMS meetings in one country and meetings with the church in another country. Pray for safety in travel, joyful reunions with friends and productive meetings. Pray also for her husband, E, who will be very busy teaching over the next few months.

South East Asia: prison ministry

Mission partners involved in prison ministry with men in South East Asia are currently not permitted to meet with the prisoners in person. Please pray that permission for face-to-face contact will be granted again so that the team can encourage the men through spending time with them.

Global gathering

Part of the Lausanne movement, the Fourth Congress on World Evangelisation, known also as Seoul-Incheon 2024, will call the global church to collaborative action for the sake of the kingdom of God. Thousands of key global mission influencers from every nation on earth will gather in Incheon, South Korea, from 22-28 September 2024. Please pray […]

South East Asia: Typhoon aftermath

Partners across the region have shared that flooding and landslides have affected thousands of people. Mudslides are making access to some communities difficult. People have lost their homes and it looks like more hazardous weather is coming. Please pray for everyone affected and that storms will cease.