Pakistan: elections approaching

CMS mission partner, F, in Pakistan asks for prayer for the country, which will hold general elections on 8 February. Please pray for good voter turnout, for peace during and after the elections and that the future government will be effective in stewarding the country. Pray also for F, whose role is to help strengthen […]

A world longing for peace

Join with us in prayer for seven areas of conflict in our troubled world

Taiwan: new president

Catherine Lee, mission partner in Taiwan, says, “Thanks to you all for your concern and prayers this past weekend – I’m thankful for safe and smooth elections and for the peaceful election of a new president, President Lai.” Please continue to pray for a period of transition ahead of the inauguration on 20 May.

Asia: upholding our friends

Please pray for the staff team and co-mission partners serving with our sister organisation Asia-CMS. They do much vital work at the edges, from training local church leaders to youth ministry and mentoring as well as caring for people in poverty and sharing the gospel in difficult-to access countries. We are grateful to be in […]

“Truth gathering” – an intercultural worship journey

Rev Ruwani Gunawardene, a second year MA student with CMS Pioneer Mission Training, narrates a personal journey into the Asian Satsang style expression of worship

South Asia: theology exams and assignments

Mission partner F asks for prayer for theology students as they do their exams and practical assignments before their graduation on 15 December. Please pray that the long-delayed board meeting may take place soon and that the principal can get some help with the accounts and administration. Please pray, too, for young women to sign […]

South Asia: church Christmas event

Mission partners E and R write that their church is planning an event for children at a local charity, a separate Christmas event for an apartment block which has hundreds of families of various faiths and backgrounds as well as a joint service with a sister church. Please pray for all these events to go […]

South Asia: Christians facing persecution

We were really pleased to welcome mission partners who serve in South Asia to the CMS office this week. As well as sharing about their work, they challenged us to pray for our brothers and sisters facing persecution across South Asia. This can take the form of violence, destruction of churches, prejudice and legal difficulties. […]

South East Asia: finding employment

B and M write that three young men who completed mobile phone repair training in the spring have found jobs. Please pray for the five young men who are about to finish the electrical home appliances training, that they too would be able to find employment after their training.

Nepal: earthquake recovery

We pray for everyone affected by the recent earthquake and thank God that all of our people in mission are safe and unharmed. As with the earthquake in 2015, pray that followers of Jesus will be a visible witness to the grace of God during this time, as they provide basic necessities and comfort those […]

Palliative care specialists, Asia

Qualified specialists are sought to help set up a new palliative care centre

Nepal: challenging decisions at UMN

Pray for local partner Dhana Lama, executive director of United Mission to Nepal (UMN), as she and others make some very challenging decisions over the next few weeks with regard to the UMN property. Pray for God’s hand upon the board meeting next week.