South Asia: Christians facing persecution

We were really pleased to welcome mission partners who serve in South Asia to the CMS office this week. As well as sharing about their work, they challenged us to pray for our brothers and sisters facing persecution across South Asia. This can take the form of violence, destruction of churches, prejudice and legal difficulties. […]

South East Asia: finding employment

B and M write that three young men who completed mobile phone repair training in the spring have found jobs. Please pray for the five young men who are about to finish the electrical home appliances training, that they too would be able to find employment after their training.

Nepal: earthquake recovery

We pray for everyone affected by the recent earthquake and thank God that all of our people in mission are safe and unharmed. As with the earthquake in 2015, pray that followers of Jesus will be a visible witness to the grace of God during this time, as they provide basic necessities and comfort those […]

Palliative care specialists, Asia

Qualified specialists are sought to help set up a new palliative care centre

Nepal: challenging decisions at UMN

Pray for local partner Dhana Lama, executive director of United Mission to Nepal (UMN), as she and others make some very challenging decisions over the next few weeks with regard to the UMN property. Pray for God’s hand upon the board meeting next week.

Nepal: sabbatical

Local partner Gopal and Susma Tamang, usually based in Nepal, are currently on sabbatical in India. Pray for the family as they settle into studies, a new city and a new church.

South Asia: teaching synoptic gospels

Mission partner E starts teaching synoptic gospels on 6 November for a month. Please pray for wisdom as he prepares, and for the students to engage not only with studying, but with Jesus himself. Pray too for a new home for E and R, as their landlord is selling the house they live in. Pray […]

India: teacher training trip

Mission associate Mary Fairfield asks prayer for a group of Chirstian teacher trainers currently in India, for safe travels, good health, great conversations and training of teachers. Pray too for Mary as she was sadly not able to go.

Philippines: creation care

Give thanks for Eric and Sandra Read’s role in creation care, which includes using syntropic farming methods and planning a programme of school visits to their farm to teach children about nature and creation care. Pray for the planning of the visits and also that the syntropic farming methods will be successful.

Taiwan: peace and stability

Give thanks for all that Catherine Lee does – from teaching young ones to writing articles – at St John’s Cathedral in Taipei. Please pray for Taiwan’s peace and stability, especially as Taiwan has presidential elections in January next year. 

Nepal: remote possibilities

When her daughter was healed through the prayers of local Christians, Misha decided to follow Jesus. She now leads a church in her village.

South Asia: theological teaching

We give thanks with mission partner F for a great teaching opportunity on church history in another part of the country. Please pray for this week’s teaching on creation care. Give thanks that the programmes, procedures and personnel have recently been accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA).