Nepal: a tightening net
Please pray for CMS local partners in Nepal as persecution and government restrictions increase. Pray for strength to stand firm in their faith and continue to preach and teach the gospel and disciple fellow believers.
Thailand: major transition
Mission partners Jason and Tracy Day ask for prayer for their daughter Ruby as she finishes schooling and heads back to the UK in the early autumn to start studying at a Bible college. Pray for the whole family as they prepare for this major transition and especially for Ruby to settle in and find friends […]
South Asia: relocating
Pray for mission partners formerly in South Asia who are in the process of relocating. Give thanks that one of them has now got a job, which is very timely. Please continue to pray for a visa for the spouse and also fvor finding accommodation, and schooling for the children.
India: heatwave
Please continue to pray for people in India, where the heatwave continues. High temperatures (above 40C every day, and over 50C at times in some locations), combined with humidity, hot winds, water shortages and power outages, are causing people to die of heat stroke. Pray for a cool change to come through and for strength […]
South Asia: teaching on social issues
Please pray for mission partner F as she prepares to lead a module on social issues towards the end of July. Please pray for wisdom as F plans the module and asks various colleagues to lead different sessions, and as she considers adding something on artificial intelligence and voter registration.
South East Asia: visas
Please pray for a new mission partner family preparing to move to South East Asia to share Jesus’ love with people pushed to the edges by poverty. They are still waiting for visas – please pray that these are issued ready for travel this summer. Pray also for peace for each member of the family […]
India: heatwave
Please pray for the people of India as the country faces a severe heatwave, especially in the eastern state of Odisha. Temperatures have soared past 50C in some areas.
Guatemala: upcoming conference and study
Mission partners Azaria and David Pocasangre ask for prayer for David as he prepares for a trip to Thailand where he will be leading worship at a conference for TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission). Please also pray for Azaria and David and others at their local church as they study some introductory theology modules together over […]
South East Asia: returning to the UK
Please pray for mission partners A and L and their children as they get organised and make the long journey to the UK. They ask for prayer for their helper’s family, whose daughter is in pain and preparing to give birth (and lost her first child before birth). Please pray for good medical care, a […]
Taiwan: Taiwan Strait
Mission partner Catherine Lee asks for prayer for peace across the Taiwan Strait, where Chinese forces have been conducting military drills in response to the new president’s inauguration speech. Pray for tensions to be eased.
South Asia: youth network conference
The South Asia Christian Youth Network (SACYN), which CMS helped start, was planning a conference in Sri Lanka this autumn, but due to elections in Sri Lanka, the event might need to be moved. SACYN draws together Christian young people from multiple countries and is a huge boost to the faith of participants – pray […]