South East Asia: special educational needs provision

Mission partners in South East Asia give thank for the chance to make connections at a recent conference for those involved in special educational needs provision in their country. Pray for opportunities to come out of those meetings. Also give thanks that the couple’s children are settling into the routine of a new school year.

South Asia: newly arrived

Please pray for mission associates Claire and Ian who have just travelled to South Asia to deliver mental health training and be part of a palliative care project. Pray that they will have energy and stamina to deliver the training over the six weeks they are there and that it will be an encouraging and […]

Pakistan: Shikarpur Christian Hospital

Indus Christian Fellowship ask for prayer for Shikarpur Christian Hospital, which has served the community faithfully for many years but is now struggling due to staffing issues. Please pray for God to provide doctors, especially gynaecologists, for a nursing director who can train young nurses and lead the department, and for God to open doors […]

Nepal: more teachers needed

Mission associates Craig and Elaine Watson ask for prayer for more teachers for Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC). The school currently needs two French teachers, two German teachers, two English teachers and a Spanish teacher. Pray for the right people to become available for these roles.

Philippines: Jigsaw

Pray for mission partner Tim Lee who is currently in the Philippines supporting Jigsaw Kids Ministries in addressing the online sexual abuse of children, which increased sharply during the pandemic. Pray for wisdom and inspiration in developing and implementing solutions and for encouragement for the Jigsaw team, who have achieved so much over the years.

Nepal: settling in

Give thanks with mission associates Dan and Phillipa Munday that their recent move went well and pray for the transition and settling into a new community. Pray for Phillipa as she explores what God has in store for her next as she no longer has a formal role. Pray for the Sunita project and for recruiting […]

South Asia: new school year

Give thanks that mission associates working in education are back in South Asia at the school they help to lead. Please pray for the ongoing recruitment of additional teachers, and for added work related to financial matters required by the government. Pray for stamina for the mission associates as they cover teaching where posts are […]

South Asia: education visit

Please pray for the preparations for an upcoming trip for an educational consultancy team going to South Asia in October. Pray for additional teachers to join, for visas to come through and for re-uniting with the various schools in the country.

Pakistan: churches burned

More than 100 people have been arrested in a city in east Pakistan after Muslims burned Christian churches and vandalised homes in response to claims that two Christian men had torn pages from a copy of the Quran. Please pray for all affected in this situation – for those who have lost homes and belongings […]

Pakistan: churches burned down

Please pray for Christians in Pakistan after 21 churches were burned down by a mob in villages near Faisalabad this week after an unproven accusation of Qur’an desecration. 

Nepal: finishing service

Andrew and Andrea Young have arrived back in the UK after finishing their time as mission partners in Nepal. Please pray for them in this time of transition, for rest and for ending well.

India: conflict in Manipur

Former CMS mission partners Kailean and Kim Khongsai, originally from Manipur, ask for prayer for people in the area, where conflict has been ongoing since early May and left 50,000 people displaced, over 140 dead and thousands injured. Pray for the many who have been displaced and injured, for help to reach them. Pray for […]