“There is life at the edges…”

In the summer, Church Mission Society celebrated how God is at work with partners from around the world

Malaysia: Asia Gateway

Mission partner Berdine van den Toren-Lekkerkerker asks for prayer for the participants of June’s Asia Gateway programme and for their families, communities and ministries. The study programme brought together leaders in mission from 10 different countries and offered participants the chance to spend time together, learn with and from each other and be built up […]

India: landslides, flash floods

Northern India has recently seen torrential downpours leading to landslides and flash floods. Hundreds of roads have been blocked by landslides and flooding has filled streets with debris. At least 22 people have died as a result. Pray for all those affected by the disaster and those involved in rescue and rebuilding efforts.

Married against the odds

Two new believers fell in love, but being from different castes, the road to marriage was fraught with risk

Together on the edge for 10 years

We celebrate the impact of Asia-CMS's decade "together on the edge in God's mission"

Leading with God’s love

Meet local partner Dhana Lama, the first Nepali leader of United Mission to Nepal

“I had to keep my faith a secret”

One of our local partners from a Buddhist background writes about the turmoil and joy of following Jesus.

Asia-CMS celebrates 10th anniversary

Sister organisation marks decade of connecting, collaborating and catalysing mission in Asia.

With each other: reflecting on mission together in Asia

Rev Dr Chan Nam Chen, executive director of AsiaCMS, reflects on its first decade

Poline Yean, Cambodia

Training leaders in evangelism, discipleship and church planting and making 'every church a Bible school'

Peter and Vasantha, India

Creating quality video material for schools built on biblical values

Gopal and Susma Tamang, Nepal

Equipping and training local church leaders for ministry and mission