Indira Thapa, Nepal

Leader of the National Mission Commission of Nepal (NMCN), a Christian, indigenous social organisation.

Russell de Alwis, Sri Lanka

Church relations officer and training coordinator at LEADS, which works with abused and traumatised children.

Helen Avadiar-Nimbalker, Thailand

Advocating against human trafficking and counselling victims, walking alongside women as they leave the sex industry and start a new life.

Hemkhomang Haokip, India

Serves at a theological college that strives to equip lay leaders in the church as well as up-and-coming leaders in the Church and society.

Jason and Tracy Day, Thailand

Seconded to OMF, Jason is an area personnel manager and Tracy is a mum, Sunday school team leader and part-time child safety officer.

Eric and Sandra Read, Philippines

Encouraging and practising creation care-centred food production and teaching children and youth to enjoy, appreciate and care for nature

Tim Lee, Philippines

To improve the lives of families living in poverty in the Philippines by supporting Jigsaw Kids to become a sustainable organisation.

Catherine Lee, Taiwan

Working with the Taiwan Episcopal Church, supporting the church and kindergarten ministry of the Diocese of Taiwan

Red light redemption

How one Thai woman started following Jesus and now helps others at the edges of society find new dignity and freedom

Stopping trafficking before it starts

Mission partners in South Asia report on a decade spent working to prevent human trafficking.

Discipling with open hearts and homes

Local partners with Asia-CMS are introducing people to Jesus and helping them grow as disciples despite the difficult conditions of the pandemic

Lockdown opening homes to Jesus in Manila

Surprising results in the Philippines as restrictions forced Jigsaw Kids Ministries to reimagine their work