Bolivia: peace following attempted coup

Please pray for peace and good government in Bolivia following what appears to have been a failed attempted coup. Military units entered the presidential palace on Wednesday but later withdrew and the leaders have been arrested. Before being arrested they claimed that current president, Luis Arce, had encouraged them in their actions to bolster his […]

Bolivia: community English course

Give thanks and pray for mission partner Lisa Peart and two Bolivian colleagues who have started a three-month pilot English course, with biblical content and a hope of building community, two nights a week in their church, Cristo Luz del Mundo. There are 13 students aged 17 to 75, some of whom are Christians, some […]

Bolivia: mission planning

Praise God for a fruitful meeting in Cochabamba of representatives of Indigenous Peoples from the Anglican Church across the Provinces of South America and Chile. Through prayer, discussion and discernment a plan for mission work with Indigenous Peoples was developed together with representatives from CMS. Please pray for the outworking of the plans made and […]

Bolivia, Chile, Peru: growing faith

Give thanks for courses and groups in Bolivia, Chile and Peru: Andrew and Lisa Peart in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Alf and Hilary Cooper in Santiago, Chile, and Edward Anchor, short termer in Peru, all give thanks for various different courses and groups their churches have been running. These include youth groups, Alpha, marriage courses and […]

Latin America: travelling to encourage

Please pray for Jo Anthony and Andrew Johnson from the CMS staff team who are travelling in Latin America this week. Andrew is in Central America and Jo in Bolivia and then Ecuador, visiting CMS people in mission in those areas. May they have safe and helpful trips and may they encourage and support all […]

Bolivia: diocesan conference

Please pray for the Diocese of Bolivia’s leadership training conference in Cochabamba, which comes to a close on Saturday 26 August. The event has been organised by CMS local partner Bishop Walter Toro as he seeks to develop the diocese’s leadership. The conference partnered with the Diocese of Birmingham where members of CMS’s Latin America […]

Public (bathroom) witness

What do toilets have to do with mission? Let’s go to Santa Cruz, Bolivia and find out.

First Bolivian bishop consecrated

CMS local partner Walter Toro has become the first Bolivian national to be bishop of the Anglican Church in the country

Andrew and Lisa Peart, Bolivia

Partnering with the local church to engage with the community in pioneering mission through generous, creative hospitality

Walter Toro, Bolivia

Anglican Bishop of Bolivia, the first Bolivian national to take on this role

Franklin Cuenca, Bolivia

Assistant pastor, with responsibility for discipleship and all the teaching aspects of the church.