Book review: Flourishing in Tensions

James Butler struggles to recommend Michael Bräutigam's textbook discipleship, thought there were nuggets which captured his imagination.

Book review: The Evangelical Quadrilateral Vols 1 and 2

A collection from a past master shows the value of history for evangelicals, says Philip Lockley.

Book review: Churches and the Crisis of Decline

Mark Collinson finds plenty to engage the church in Britain in Andrew Root's weaving of Karl Barth, Charles Taylor and the church's search for relevance.

Book review: Church Planting in Post Christian Soil

James Butler commends a rich engagement with missional theology and a detailed study of models of church in practice

Book review: Young, Woke and Christian

Vicki Gale both loves and hates a book that demands a response

Book review: Using a Missional Framework

Katrina Hutchins on a perfect source of missional inspiration as we seek to reimagine and re-energise our post-pandemic priorities

Book review: Trust in Theological Education

Sue Hart celebrates Eve Parker’s ground-breaking book, which dissects theological education with a decolonising eye

Book review: Resurrection Hope

Kelly Brown Douglas offers deeper insight into racism, challenging, informing and enabling us to make a difference, says Cathy Ross

Book review: A Redemption Song

Rosie Hopley encourages us to read Delroy Hall’s much-needed exploration of Black British pastoral theology

Book review: A Place at the Table

Idina Dunmore recommends a beautiful combination of memoir, biography, lived-theology and missional reminder of God’s ever-welcoming love

Book review: Postcolonial Politics and Theology

Cathy Ross commends Kwok Pui-Lan on engaging theology with current issues such as #BLM, climate change and political struggles in Hong Kong

Book review: Introducing James H. Cone

James Butler highly recommends Anthony Reddie's introduction to Cone, to Black theology and to Reddie’s own life and work