Book review: How to Inhabit Time

Tom Wilson finds James KA Smith's meditations on Ecclesiastes a text to treasure

Book review: Encountering Mystery

Simon Baigent reflects on Dale Allison's exquisitely academic and engagingly human treatise on mystical experience

Book review: Christian Tradition in Global Perspective

A book for those who want a broader and more global perspective on Christian tradition, says Cathy Ross

Book review: Archbishop William Temple – A Study in Servant Leadership

Philip Lockley recommends Stephen Spencer's study of how an outstandingly gifted disciple chose to lead in daunting times

Book review: World Religions and their Missions

Tom Wilson finds food for thought in comparing Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Baha'i and Mormon approaches to mission.

Book review: Unlikely Friends

Hannah Steele applauds a vision for friendships that transcend the comfort of homogeneity to express the joy and value found in difference.

Book review: Theology of Hope

A classic that paints a compelling vision of theology, and indeed mission, says James Butler.

Book review: The Pharisees

Tom Wilson reviews a text well worth engaging with, that will help you avoid unthinking stereotypes.

Book review: The Meanings of Discipleship

James Butler finds a helpful contribution to the discussion around discipleship offering a multitude of perspectives.

Book review: Interpreting the Old Testament after Christendom

A tough read, but worth it for an approach to authentic and responsible use of the Hebrew Bible, says Miles Hopgood.

Book review: The Gospel of John

Howard Bigg recommends an imaginative resource, opening up new ways of understanding and applying this wonderful Gospel.

Book review: Global Migration & Christian Faith

Joseph Ola on an attempt to use the Bible, theology and church history to shape a missional response to the global migration and refugee crises.