Book review: Reimagining Mission from Urban Places

A UK book on mission, and exactly the sort of thinking that the church needs right now, says Jonny Baker.

Book review: The Forgotten Creed

Paul Thaxter is impressed by an argument that "us and them" thinking was ruled out by an early Christian creed.

YouTube review: Body Language

Emily Roux responds to a heart-provoking and honest conversation between two champions of our faith, Christine Caine and Dr Anita Phillips

Book review: Ghost Ship

Jonny Baker is grateful to Azariah France Williams for a gift of a book

Book review: Me and White Supremacy

Rachel Smith is challenged to change by Layla F Saad

Book review: Beyond Colorblind

Mark Simpson on a great handbook for our days

Book review: Nervous Conditions

Nicole Stephens gains insight from Tsitsi Dangarembga's classic

Book review: The Cross and the Lynching Tree

Jonny Baker gets educated by James Cone

Book reviews

Books reviewed this time include Liquid Ecclesiology, The Deconstructed Church and Flexible Church