Brazil: freedom through dance

Mission partner Sarah Brito Medeiros, who is involved in dance therapy ministry in Recife, Brazil, asks for prayer as she writes a book to share her knowledge and experience in helping people find healing and freedom through dance. Please pray for the book to be finished quickly and for Sarah as she trains others in […]

Brazil: prison ministry

Andy and Kati Walsh, mission partners involved in prison ministry in Florianópolis, Brazil, share that their work is hindered by a lack of support and goodwill among prison staff, who are sceptical and sometimes even hostile towards them. Pray for God to change the hearts of staff members in the prisons as they see God […]

Brazil: creative mission for the region

CMS is facilitating a meeting of participants from across Latin America to explore pioneering mission in Latin America. This is focused around a vision for a mission movement which engages with people the established Church struggles to reach, through creative and innovative mission. Pray for the preparations for this meeting which will take place in […]

Brazil: sharing the gospel in prison

Tomorrow (Saturday 24 Feb), mission partner Andy Walsh will deliver the first in a series of sessions on the gospel to 20 men in a prison he hasn’t visited before. Andy asks for prayer for the course to be successful and for the Word to take root in the inmates’ lives.

Brazil: finding foster families

Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford in Olinda, Brazil, work with ReVive International, which transforms the lives of children who have endured abuse, neglect and exploitation. One way this happens is this is through a new foster care programme. The Bayfords write: “The foster team are amazing and working hard to get this service going […]

Life on the inside

A prisoner from Brazil shares his story of finding the light and hope of Jesus amid the bleakness of life in prison.

Brazil: new home

Local partner Flavio Adair and his family need to sell their apartment in order to buy a house in Pernambuco where they live. Pray for any obstacles to be removed so that the apartment can be sold quickly and pray for the right new home for Flavio and his family. Pray, too, for Flavio and […]

Brazil: open doors for the gospel

In Florianópolis, mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh and Katia Rocks are longing to share Jesus with and disciple men, women and young people in prison. Please pray for favour with decision makers and for breakthrough so that Andy, Kati, Katia and other believers are allowed to run discipleship courses in the women’s prison and […]

Paraguay and Brazil: rain

Tim Curtis, in Rio Verde, Paraguay, asks for prayer for rain in the Chaco region. It has not rained for a long time, the water tanks are empty and temperatures are often well above 40C. Similarly, the Amazon is also experiencing drought as water levels at the Manaus port in Brazil have reached their lowest […]

More than a market

A project to save food waste and serve poor communities has led to changed lives in Brazil.

Brazil: land rights

Indigenous peoples in Brazil celebrated the supreme court decision last week to uphold their rights to ancestral lands and not to restrict them to the lands occupied in 1988 at the time of the institution of the new constitution. Please continue to pray for justice in the area of land rights across the Latin America […]

Brazil: answer to prayer

Along with mission partners Marcio Ciechanovicz and Noemi Celeti, we give thanks for a big answer to prayer. They have found a very good Portuguese teacher for their children, a Christian called Rejane, who has not only helped the children improve their grades but is also praying for them. Please pray for Marcio and Noemi’s […]