Brazil: travelling

Please pray for CMS manager in Latin America Paul Tester and director of mission Andy Roberts as they spend time in Brazil visiting people in mission. Pray for them to bring encouragement to those they visit.

Brazil: travelling

Please pray for CMS manager in Latin America Paul Tester and director of mission Andy Roberts as they travel to Brazil to visit people in mission. Pray for them to bring encouragement to those they spend time with and to be encouraged themselves by what they see God is doing in this country.

Brazil: travelling

Pray for CMS’s mission work in Brazil, for CMS’s people in mission in the country and for those CMS is partnering with there. Mission director Andy Roberts and manager in Latin America Paul Tester will be visiting people across the country over the next few weeks. Please pray for safe travels, for the incredible mission […]

Brazil: social supermarket

Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford write that a change in staff at one of their suppliers has made it more difficult to consistently provide food for the local community. They have been able to continue to provide for customers through different suppliers, but this is only a week-to-week solution. Pray for Rosie and Stu […]

First foster family found!

Boy aged five becomes first child to benefit from pioneering fostering service in Brazil

A truly super market gets going in Brazil

All smiles as the first shop signs up for surplus food project in Olinda, Brazil

Marcio Ciechanovicz and Noemi Celeti, Brazil

Connecting with people beyond the reach of traditional church, sharing the gospel in new ways and ministering to people’s physical needs.

Flavio Adair, Brazil

Rector of Agua Viva church, developing the leadership and mission vision, planting churches and starting a study centre for training lay people and clergy

Rosie and Stu Bayford, Brazil

Meeting people at the edges with the hope of getting alongside them on a journey of faith.

Daniel and Sarah Brito Medeiros, Brazil

Working with ReVive, a safe house for girls at risk, Sarah as a dance therapist and Daniel as an advocate for at-risk children.

Andy and Kati Walsh, Brazil

Working with local church partners in Florianópolis, helping people in challenging contexts to find hope in Jesus

Katia Rocks, Brazil

Through a church I helped start, I encourage people, particularly women, to connect with Christ.