UK: learning to drive
Mission partners Festo and Grace Kanungha are based in Cornwall, where Festo supports vulnerable community members through social enterprise Bodmin Way and Grace serves as a curate in St Petroc’s Church, Bodmin. They ask for prayer for Festo as he seeks to book a driving test and as he prepares for it.
South East Asia: grandparenting from afar
Pray for mission partners I and S as they become grandparents for the first time this month. They plan to travel to the UK for a short visit before returning to their work of prison ministry, teaching English and leading a church in South East Asia. Pray for them as they enjoy a brief visit […]
UK: Acts 11 webinar
Please pray for a webinar on 12 March on the topic of how churches in the UK are supporting refugees. The webinar is run by CMS’s Acts 11 Project, a centre which exists to facilitate a sustained conversation on the implications of migration for Christian faith and mission. Pray for a good turnout and for […]
UK: CMS Southern conference
Members and friends of CMS are organising an online conference 21-22 March. Please pray for the organising team and that all the speakers will be able to join (Including Martin Gordon and Bisoke Balikenga from DRC). To join in:
UK: Community Shed in Carlisle
Pray for God’s clear leading for mission partner Garry Ion and others running Carlisle’s Community Shed as they consider whether to stay at their present location or look for a new venue. Give thanks that both the Shed and the Community Warm Space are a blessing to many in the community who struggle with loneliness, […]
UK: Asian Christianity pathway open evening
Pray for an open evening coming up on 25 February for people who are interested in CMS’s Asian Christianity MA pathway. Pray for potential students to find the evening helpful, informative and encourage them to sign up if the course is right for them.
Reflecting God’s care
Join us in the Spring for a fascinating Pioneer Mission Training module on justice and environment, open to all.
UK: shoulder injury
Please continue to pray for CMS mission director Andy Roberts, who injured his shoulder several weeks ago and is now waiting to hear whether he needs surgery. Pray for God to guide the doctors as they make a decision and for Andy to be able to do all the things he needs to.
UK: healing from chronic fatigue
Mission partner Dave Bookless asks for prayer for his wife Anne, who has been struggling with ME/chronic fatigue. Pray for Anne to recover enough to return to the work she loves as rector of St Mary’s Norwood Green, where there are so many opportunities. Pray particularly for wisdom about a phased return and plans to […]
UK: people in mission gathering
Give thanks for this week’s conference near Northampton for people in mission currently in the UK. Pray for all the people in mission who attended to come away feeling refreshed and equipped for what’s next. Those attending as part of their preparation for short-term placements will continue with training in Birmingham: pray for God to […]