Asian-focused MA approved as CofE training pathway

It's official! CofE ordinands can train on the Asian Christianity route through the CMS Pioneer Mission Training MA.

Pioneer’s new book on embodied prayer as mission

London Pioneer School experience bears fruit in new publication

Acts 11 Project

Give thanks for an energising launch conference last week for the Acts 11 Centre for Global Witness and Human Migration. Pray for the momentum to continue, especially for more partners to join the project, which seeks to equip Christian communities for hospitable ministry and migrants for sharing the gospel on the move.

Hope from the Edges October 2024

Watch our latest good news stories from Brazil, South Sudan and Hull, UK!

Celebrating 25 years of breakfast (and baptisms)

How Hull mission partners made breakfast the most important meal of the community

Britain: pioneer students

Praise God for an amazing new cohort of students who have started studying with CMS this week after an induction. Please pray for them to gel and bond as a group. Give thanks that we now run courses in African and Asian Christianity and have a large number of funded youth places this year too. […]

Congolese students add to record intake for CMS pioneer training

CMS Pioneer Mission Training sees eight students join from Goma diocese

UK: Pioneer new year

Give thanks for all the students on our Pioneer Mission Training course who began a new academic year this week. It’s a record number cohort this year. Give thanks for so many people who want to serve at the edges.

UK: Leader needed

This week marked the due date for applications for the role of CMS Fundraising and Communications director. Please pray that God will provide a wise, inspiring person for this post.

Britain: Acts 11 conference

Please pray for the new Acts 11 Project on mission and migration at CMS, being led by Dr Harvey Kwiyani. Especially pray for the launch event in two weeks’ time, a two-day conference held at CMS in Oxford. Pray the right people will be able to attend and make connections as we discuss this very […]

Britain/International: New Pioneer students

Induction for the new intake of Pioneer Mission Training students begins on Monday. Pray for all the new starters, especially those joining virtually from around the world, including a group of eight pastors from DRC who are joining the African Christianity route through the MA. Pray too for new staff members Dr Nuam Hatzaw leading […]

“Natural and native” – meet Brother Ade

Ade Green talks about his journey to joining a religious order, the revelations of study at CMS, and how to live hopefully in eco-crisis.