Britain: Adelante conference

Pray for the Latin America forum organising the Adelante conference 2023, Mission on the Urban Edge: Pioneering mission in Latin American urban spaces on Saturday 23 September. Pray particularly for all of those who will be sharing both in the UK and from across Latin America and pray too for all of the technical elements […]

What happens in a Community Shed?

One member of Carlisle's Community Shed tells Garry Ion their story of new-found confidence and belonging.

Britain: rest and refreshment

Many CMS people in mission and staff members are taking time off over the summer to rest and recharge. Pray for times of fun and refreshment both alone and with family and friends.

Britain: pioneer students

Please pray for the pioneer team as they recruit students for the next academic year for all our courses and especially for our new African Christianity Undergraduate Certificate as well as our African Christianity MA. Please also pray for our current students as they prepare to come back to study.

Britain: rest and refreshment

Many CMS people in mission and staff members are taking time off over the summer to rest and recharge. Pray for times of fun and refreshment both alone and with family and friends.

“There is life at the edges…”

In the summer, Church Mission Society celebrated how God is at work with partners from around the world

The open table

Johnny Sertin surveys a landscape of hope and healing across post-Christian Britain

Britain: people in mission conference

Please pray for our people in mission conference next week – for a time of refreshment and restoration for all those attending, including our international visitors from around the world.

Britain: coming together to learn

Praise God that partners from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa have been able to join CMS staff for a time of mutual sharing, learning and interchange in Oxford. Praise God for all those who have worked so hard to put together a programme and look after our international guests during this time. […]

Awe and wonder

The CMS Certificate reawakened Sarah Carney’s creativity and gave her a vision for an art exhibition.

Britain: Philip Mounstephen to be Bishop of Winchester

Pray for Philip, our former leader and current Bishop of Truro, who has just been announced as the next Bishop of Winchester.

Britain: mission team gathering

Over the next few weeks, CMS Oxford welcomes our mission team leaders and local leaders we are partnering with, as they travel to be with us from Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Pray for a fruitful time of building relationships and sharing stories of what God is doing at the edges around […]