UK: term time!

Give thanks for all the CMS pioneer mission students who embarked on the first week of their term. Pray that all students will be equipped for creative mission among people at the edges of traditional church. Pray for the teaching team, that they will have energy and wisdom.

Tiger, cow or horse? Enterprise at the edges

Enterprise can be a kingdom blessing for those on the edge, says CMS first year MA student Jerry Marshall

UK: mobilising the next generation for mission

Pray for fresh creativity and energy for vocational recruitment. Bev Chilolo, CMS’s vocational recruitment lead, will be visiting Christian Unions this month, seeking to mobilise the next generation into global mission. Pray that these events will be fruitful and pray for churches to get excited about global mission and encourage those seeking a call to […]

“Truth gathering” – an intercultural worship journey

Rev Ruwani Gunawardene narrates a personal journey into the Asian Satsang style expression of worship

Creation and Advent

What does it mean for Jesus to be born into a world of ecological collapse?

UK: Clean for Good carol service

Tomorrow, 2 December, Clean for Good is hosting a carol service for cleaners in partnership with St Katharine Cree (a church and one of Clean for Good’s clients). The service will be held in Spanish, Portuguese and English and include some testimonies from cleaners about the impact of low pay, impact of faith on their […]

Recruitment near and far

Give thanks for new CMS staff joining us this week and next in our direct marketing team. Also give thanks for the opportunity staff members Bev and Philip had this week to attend the Christian Resources Exhibition event in the Midlands. Pray that the good conversations they had will progress into people coming forward for […]

UK: Pioneer Training audit

Pray for Cathy Ross and the Oxford teaching team as they are visited by Durham University and Church of England inspectors to check the quality of CMS’s Pioneer Mission Training programme next week.

UK: Harry Moore 100th birthday

We celebrate with Harry Moore, who turned 100 years old this week! Praise God for his faithful service as a mission partner in Iran, later on CMS staff and from 1986 to 1990 as general secretary of CMS.

Cleaning up the cleaning sector

Maritza has gone from being treated like a machine to being seen for her worth as a person.

Beauty / brokenness

The contrasts on show while walking in the local park help Anna and Chris Hembury reflect on how God sees us.

What happens in a Community Shed?

One member of Carlisle's Community Shed tells Garry Ion their story of new-found confidence and belonging.