Like putting on new glasses

Wendy Cranefield explains how the Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) journey has changed the way she sees the world…

It takes a village to respond to Covid-19

A Buckinghamshire community worker has found God at work in her village as she responds to the lockdown

How to… establish an ethical business

Tim Thorlby on the lessons learned by Clean for Good, a social business giving cleaners a better deal.

PMC: From Nottingham to Uruguay

Churches in Uruguay are getting excited about the Partnership for Missional Church, thanks to two former SAMS mission partners

From irrelevance to community hub

A church in Durham diocese welcomed 1,200 locals to an unusual event over four days in June 2019 – a beer festival...

How to… cross cultures with beautiful feet

Rev Sameh Metry, a church leader in west London, shares what he has learned about sharing Jesus in interfaith contexts.

The church in the school

Numerous congregations meet in school buildings, but how often do relationships go deeper?

Beyond the four walls

What's a church to do when they find sex workers on their doorstep?

Video: Dave Bookless – The Earth is the Lord’s

Dave Bookless says: "When Christians take the earth seriously, people take the gospel seriously."

How to… pioneer mission on a new housing estate

By Ali Boulton, pioneer mission enabler

Welcome to the House of Pain

Wrestling in church? You bet. We go ringside in Nottingham…

How to… cope with disabled dreams

"My disablements are all part of God’s calling on my life"