Burundi: seeing fruit

Mission associate Michael Hunter is currently in Burundi, teaching two courses on the Old Testament in Bujumbura. We give thanks with Michael that God is clearly on the move and people’s lives are being changed. A former student who is in now charge of a parish reports that from starting nine years ago with three […]

Burundi: flooding

Pray for all trying to survive the effects of serious flooding in Burundi: “Lake Tanganyika has risen by 12 feet to its highest level since 1960,” says mission associate Simon Guillebaud, “displacing 200,000+ people, many of whom are utterly destitute. Staple foods like rice and beans have increased in cost by 40% in one year.”

Burundi: flood recovery

We continue to pray for the people of Burundi trying to recover from devastating flooding, with thousands of people affected. Please pray for a robust government and international aid response. On the world stage, Burundi is often seemingly forgotten “but the church here is crying out to God not to forget the people in this […]

Burundi: flooding

Over 6,000 families were driven out of their homes by the flooding of Lake Tanganyika in May. Local partner Onesphore Ndayizigamiye asks for continued prayer for all those affected.

Burundi: rain and peace

CMS-Africa ask for prayer for rain in Burundi so that seeds planted now will in time yield a good harvest. Pray, too, for the country’s economic situation to improve and for peace in the places where there is conflict.

Tiger, cow or horse? Enterprise at the edges

Enterprise can be a kingdom blessing for those on the edge, says CMS first year MA student Jerry Marshall

Onesphore Ndayizigamiye

Representing CMS-Africa in Burundi, coordinate its activities, organising meetings and trainings, and advising on the placement of the people in mission and volunteers in Burundi