Deaf joiner joins in new project

Work starts on new centre for people with disabilities in Tanzania

Neema and Jigsaw: 20 years at the edges

Two pioneering CMS ventures notch up their 20th anniversary in 2023

Mission, disability and creativity

Emma Major reflects on the interplay between mission, disability and creativity, from within her lived experience as an artist and church leader.

Mission and disabled people

Tim Rourke shares research on how attitudes, access and agency are often missing when the church talks about mission and the disabled community.

Mission, and dispelling the disability/ tragedy narrative

Kay Morgan-Gurr explores the impact of the “tragedy narrative” on disabled people and on the church’s mission.

The golden light of God’s kintsugi: mission and mental health

Bill Braviner reflects on the Japanese art of kintsugi and the intentional value of “cracks” in our mental health.

Mission with children and young people with additional needs and their families

Mark Arnold considers what collaborative mission with children and young people with additional needs and their families looks like in 2022.

A man with a mission

Naomi Lawson Jacobs reflects on mission done to, rather than with or by, disabled people via a resistant reading of Jesus’ encounter with a man with leprosy.

Editorial: Mission and disability

Kt Tupling guest edits an issue offering good news about Jesus from disabled experiences.

How to… do pioneering mission with people of all seasons

David Palmer, former CMS Pioneer student, shares his learning from working with older people in Market Harborough

How to… cope with disabled dreams

"My disablements are all part of God’s calling on my life"