DR Congo: peace

Martin Gordon shares that the only thing people in the east of the country want for Christmas is peace. Please pray for those who are behind the conflict – that God would turn their hearts from war to peace. Pray for the work of the churches to promote peace, through trauma healing and mediation. Pray […]

DR Congo: peace

Martin Gordon shares that the only thing people in the east of the country want for Christmas is peace. Please pray for those who are behind the conflict – that God would turn their hearts from war to peace. Pray for the work of the churches to promote peace, through trauma healing and mediation. Pray for the […]

DR Congo: escalating conflict before the election

Mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma in eastern DR Congo, writes: “In the last few weeks on the military frontline 20 km north of Goma we have seen one of [the Anglican church’s] school teachers killed, one of our schools destroyed by bombs and two schoolchildren kidnapped. Schools have not started the academic year […]

DR Congo: Rooted in Jesus discipleship course

We rejoice with local partner Etsegeri Emmanuel for the progress made in translating Book Two of the course into the local language. Pray for inspiration for the translators as they press on and seek to find clear, accurate ways to express the meaning of the text in the local language. 

DR Congo: protection

We praise God for his protection of local partner Jeff Sikabwe’s family, particularly his son, Juste, who was injured by a stray bullet while he was asleep in the house. The soft tissue injury has recovered well. Jeff is currently travelling in Burundi to conduct training using CMS-Africa’s courses. Pray for God’s continued protection for Jeff […]

Africa: mission partners recently finished

Please pray for mission partners Lynn Treneary (South Sudan) and Patricia and Peter Wyard (DR Congo), who have recently finished service with CMS. For Lynn, pray for her as she continues to work on improving her health and looks for a job. Pray too for safety as she travels between various family and friends across […]

DR Congo: ongoing conflict

Bisoke Balikenga, local partner in Bunia, writes that people are exhausted due to the incessant violence. Please pray for Christians who are beginning to waver in their faith, when peace remains elusive and their prayers seem to go unanswered.

Making a difference to those on the edge of life

Piriyo, a young man in north east DR Congo, struggled to move around or do much more than sit on a mat outside his hut.

Voice of violence, or voice of hope?

Back from DR Congo, mission partner Berdine asks which voices will we listen to – the loud shout of fear or the quieter tones of faith and hope?

Martin Gordon, DR Congo

Peacemaking, church planting and building up the body of Christ as part of my role as Bishop of Goma

Jeff Sikabwe, DR Congo

Country coordinator involved in CMS-Africa’s training courses, mentoring and advocacy

Bisoke Balikenga, DR Congo

Provincial youth worker investing in young people through encouraging them in their education and peacemaking and raising up new leaders