Ecuador: encouragement

From Beverley Cannon de Pinos, who works with her husband Johnny in a multicultural church in Cuenca: “Last Sunday one of the university students we had met with came to our church service and informed us that he had accepted Christ in his life. He was so excited…. Last week one of our young people […]

Ecuador: referendum

Amid worsening conflict between government forces and criminal gangs, a referendum is taking place this weekend to tighten security, fight organised crime and reform the constitution. Pray for wisdom for the people of Ecuador as they vote on 11 different questions. Due to low levels of water in the country’s hydroelectric plants, people are also […]

Ecuador: ongoing fighting

Please pray for Ecuador, where there is an ongoing state of internal armed conflict. Mission partner Sharon Wilcox asks for prayer for to be able to continue to look for opportunities to start new Orchid projects and train volunteers so that more young people can gain the skills they need to become independent.

Ecuador: ongoing tensions

Please continue to pray for Ecuador following the upsurge in violence we shared about last week. The situation is still delicate with some violence continuing – the investigator of the takeover of the TV station was shot dead this week. However, prison guards who had been taken hostage have been released. Pray for peace to […]

Ecuador: violence surging

There has been an upsurge in violence as drug trafficking gangs battle with state authorities. The leader of one of the main gangs recently escaped from prison with a number of others. Several prison staff were taken hostage. This has been followed by a series of violent attacks in cities across the nation including the […]

Ecuador: new Orchid Project

Prayer for a new Orchid Project in Cuenca, Ecuador. This project helps young adults with learning disabilities learn the life skills they need in order to be more independent. It has been running for just over a month at Cuenca Christian Church, coordinated by Beverley Cannon de Pinos and Johnny Pinos. This project was originally […]

Ecuador: new Orchid Project

Praise God that a second Orchid Project is starting up in Cuenca to help empower adults with intellectual disabilities to become independent. The project is being launched this Monday, in Cuenca Christian Church (where mission partner Bev Cannon and mission associate Johnny de Pinos are serving).  Pray for confidence and encouragement for the volunteers, who […]

Ecuador: new president

Following elections last weekend, Ecuador has its youngest ever president, 35-year-old Daniel Noboa. President Noboa faces significant challenges in the country, notably increased insecurity as drug trafficking gangs vie for control of lucrative supply routes. Please pray for President Noboa and for Ecuador, particularly for peace and security for the people there.

Central America, Ecuador: travelling to encourage

Please continue to pray for Andrew Johnson and Jo Anthony, travelling to visit CMS people in mission in Central America and Ecuador respectively. Pray for continued safe travel and encouraging times with all those they visit and meet.

Latin America: travelling to encourage

Please pray for Jo Anthony and Andrew Johnson from the CMS staff team who are travelling in Latin America this week. Andrew is in Central America and Jo in Bolivia and then Ecuador, visiting CMS people in mission in those areas. May they have safe and helpful trips and may they encourage and support all […]

Ecuador: drug trafficking gangs

Please pray for the people of Ecuador, where violence continues as drug trafficking gangs fight with the state authorities. Recently nearly 60 prison guards were taken hostage by imprisoned gang members although they were later released. Pray too for the country as it approaches its presidential election final run-off vote in mid-October. May the right […]

Ecuador and Guatemala: Elections

Praise God for peaceful elections in Guatemala with the election of new President Bernardo Arévalo. Please continue to pray for a peaceful transition of power and for the future direction of the country. In Ecuador, following the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio who had spoken out against drug gangs and corruption, voting in presidential […]