Ecuador: assassination

Mission partners Sharon Wilcox and Bev Cannon ask for prayer following the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio, one of the candidates for the presidential election being held on 20 August. Please pray for comfort for his family, for people to remain calm, for the protection of the remaining candidates and for those involved with the killing […]

Ecuador: discipleship and growth

We give thanks with mission partner Bev Cannon de Pinos and mission associate Johnny de Pinos for a recent 12-week discipleship programme and for all those who attended. Pray particularly for those who personally gave their lives to Jesus, as they grow and mature spiritually in Christ, and for the four new people who are […]

Ecuador: conflict and violence

As Ecuador faces a continued wave of violence fuelled by the drugs trade please pray for peace and for good government in the country. Recent violence involving gangs fighting over cocaine transportation routes has left gang members dead, prison guards held hostage and recently the mayor of the city of Manta was assassinated. Pray for […]

Beverley Cannon de Pinos, Ecuador

Working with a multicultural church, helping them go to the edges and meeting a variety of practical and spiritual needs within the church

Sharon Wilcox, Ecuador

Working with people with learning disabilities, teaching them life skills and seeking to enable them to become independent.