Ethiopia: training church leaders

Earlier this year, mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson were struggling with complications regarding permission for Chris to enter a refugee camp to deliver training to church leaders. Chris and Suzy now write that SIM Ethiopia’s leadership team has helped to address these complications and Chris has been able resume teaching in the camps and […]

Ethiopia: theological training for refugees

Please pray for mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson and the Refugee Theological Education Project which Chris is leading in western Ethiopia. Pray for continued access to the refugee camps, good relationships with the authorities, and for the church leaders participating to develop better relationships with church leaders from other ethnic groups and denominations. Chris […]

Ethiopia: training church leaders

Chris and Suzy Wilson share that Chris has recently been able to make teaching trips to two different refugee camps, providing a weekend training course for about 50 church leaders from 25 different churches. Praise God for this opportunity and that the training was well received by the churches. Please pray God’s blessing on these […]

Ethiopia: conflict in Gambella

CMS-Africa asks for prayer for people in Gambella. Sammy Atsali, who has spent the past few weeks training pastors in the refugee camps, reported this week that the centre of town was full of gunshots, because someone from the Anuak community was stabbed. Please pray for peace in Gambella and encouragement for all those who […]

Interruptions and God’s Kingdom

Mission partner Suzy Wilson has been learning that God’s Kingdom requires space for spontaneity.

Ethiopia: famine

Please pray for the people of Ethiopia, where there are increasingly serious concerns about famine in the north of the country. Pray against the ongoing fighting and tension across much of the country.

Ethiopia: all-important permissions

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson write that over the last two months, Chris has been struggling with complications regarding permission to enter the refugee camp to deliver training for church leaders. Please pray that this situation changes soon.

Ethiopia: danger of famine

The BBC reports that there is a serious danger of famine in parts of Ethiopia, particularly the northern Tigray region. This is the time of year when food should be most plentiful, but severe drought is causing hundreds to die of starvation. Pray for food to be multiplied and to somehow reach all those who […]

Ethiopia: equipping refugee leaders

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson are helping train church leaders in refugee camps. They write, “…we’re aiming to provide preaching and leadership training to about 60 different church leaders this year, as well as providing basic discipleship training for another group of about 10 to 20 women.” Please pray for the logistics, as it’s […]

Ethiopia: training for pastors in refugee camps

Chris and Suzy Wilson, mission partners in Addis Ababa, write that Chris recently had a great trip to one of the refugee camps to train local pastors in preaching. Praise God that the training sessions went well and that the students gave positive feedback about the course as a whole. As Chris looks into making […]

Ethiopia: refugee ministry

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson write from Addis Ababa: “We’ve been told we can collect our new work permit and residence IDs this week so pray that would all be completed as expected. “Chris is hoping to travel to the refugee camp to run [discipleship] training in mid-November. Some of our friends working for […]

Ethiopia: renewing work permits and residence IDs

Please pray for Chris and Suzy Wilson as they renew these essential documents this month. Pray for the process to go smoothly and for Chris to be able to make good progress on his PhD while they wait for their applications to be processed. Pray for their paperwork to be processed in time for them […]