Ethiopia: ethnic tension

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson ask for prayer for Gambella. The last month has seen a significant increase in ethnic tension and killings in the region. Please pray for peace and for the churches there at this time. 

Ethiopia: preparing to return

Please pray for mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson and their children in their final two weeks of home leave, for precious times with family and friends and time and space to rest. Pray for their safe return to Addis Ababa on 16 August. 

Holiness in the humdrum

Suzy Wilson, CMS mission partner in Ethiopia, reflects on her current season of mission and mothering

How long?

Serving with her family in Ethiopia, Suzy Wilson finds a full stomach and a feeling of security leave her yearning...

Chris and Suzy Wilson, Ethiopia

Working in reconciliation and peacebuilding with local Christian leaders.

No short cuts to beauty

“The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,” says Suzy Wilson, amazed by falling in love with a place and people of great hardship and great beauty.