Praying power and staying power

A humble prayer group has been supporting people in mission week in, week out, through more than two years of war

North Africa and Spain: looking after mission workers

Mission partners based in Spain serve mission workers in North Africa through providing leadership development, debriefing and spiritual direction. Pray for them as they develop their residential retreat property with a view to being able to host larger groups.

Signalling support for two years

Since Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine two years ago, faithful supporters have been meeting weekly on Saturday evenings to pray.

Ukraine: the pastor at the front lines

CMS local partner in demand as forces chaplain, while churches pray and fast for an end to war

Ukraine: rest for the weary

Pray for local partner Valery and his wife Olga as they seek visas to leave the Ukraine to visit their son and family in the UK. Pray for God to pave the way for a restful time with family where Valery and Olga can have a proper break and spend time with each other and […]

Ukraine: ongoing war

We are approaching the two year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Our partners in Ukraine are very grateful for everyone’s prayers over the past two years and ask us to keep praying, particularly now. Local partner Valery Alymov, pastor of the Tabernacle of the Living God church (TLG) has just returned from the front […]

A world longing for peace

Join with us in prayer for seven areas of conflict in our troubled world

Ukraine: continuing need

Please continue to pray for Ukraine. Our people in mission specifically ask for prayer for a chaplaincy ministry visit to the front lines, for English teaching with soldiers in a local military hospital where the team hope to build relationships, for Genesis ministry groups helping people with destructive behaviours both online and in person, and […]

Jesus eases people’s pain in Ukraine

Your support enables making friends, having fun and finding faith

Ukraine: intensified Russian attacks

The past week has seen more attacks on Kyiv and Kharkiv, causing extensive property damage and leaving many without power as well as killing four people and injuring close to 100. Pray for all those recovering from and rebuilding after the attacks, for the attacks to stop and for God to turn Putin’s heart from […]

UK: Clean for Good carol service

Tomorrow, 2 December, Clean for Good is hosting a carol service for cleaners in partnership with St Katharine Cree (a church and one of Clean for Good’s clients). The service will be held in Spanish, Portuguese and English and include some testimonies from cleaners about the impact of low pay, impact of faith on their […]

Czech Republic: help for those in need

Mission partners Lea and Petra Williams ask for prayer for Vesna, a charity in Czech Republic. Petra is involved in Vesna’s wardrobe project, which offers practical help, emotional support, emergency accommodation and educational programmes, and she also supports and recruits volunteers for the project. Many of the volunteers are Ukrainians who have received help from […]