“There is life at the edges…”

In the summer, Church Mission Society celebrated how God is at work with partners from around the world

Britain: people in mission conference

Please pray for our people in mission conference next week – for a time of refreshment and restoration for all those attending, including our international visitors from around the world.

Britain: coming together to learn

Praise God that partners from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa have been able to join CMS staff for a time of mutual sharing, learning and interchange in Oxford. Praise God for all those who have worked so hard to put together a programme and look after our international guests during this time. […]

Britain: Philip Mounstephen to be Bishop of Winchester

Pray for Philip, our former leader and current Bishop of Truro, who has just been announced as the next Bishop of Winchester.


The Army Chaplains Team from Tabernacle of the Living God church (where mission partner Alison Giblett is based) ask for prayer for comfort and healing for all the women who have lost husbands and sons. Pray for God’s direction for their plans and ministry in this vital work.

Britain: mission team gathering

Over the next few weeks, CMS Oxford welcomes our mission team leaders and local leaders we are partnering with, as they travel to be with us from Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Pray for a fruitful time of building relationships and sharing stories of what God is doing at the edges around […]

Britain: CMS pioneer students

Please pray for the Pioneer students as we come to the end of the academic year: for the students who are finishing their studies this year, and those who will return in the autumn, and for the amazing work they are engaged in. Please also pray for the team as we recruit for the next […]

Ukraine: ongoing war

Mission partner Alison Giblett reports that there is an apparent split between mercenaries and regular troops of the invading forces and asks for prayer for God’s purposes to be worked out in this situation. Please pray against any further loss of life and for the internal conflict to weaken the enemies’ resolve to wage war. […]

Britain: huge health improvement

Mission associates Derek and Mary Fairfield write that Derek, who was bed-bound in March, has recently improved enough to be able to walk unaided. Praise God for this progress, which Mary attributes to unstinting prayers from many people.

Britain: mission partners on leave or finishing

Many CMS mission partners are or will be on leave over the summer visiting family, friends and churches in the UK. Pray for times of rest and restoration as well as time spent travelling round the country and focusing on ministry. Please also pray for CMS mission partners who have just finished their time with […]

Ukraine: dam disaster aftermath

Please continue to pray for all those dealing with the aftermath of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam disaster. Praise God for all that is being done.

Britain: PMC learning community gathering

CMS’s PMC learning community gathering is taking place this Friday–Sunday in Sheffield and will include two new partners from the US and Jonny Baker, CMS Britain hub mission director. Please pray for meaningful connections and for God to highlight what he would like to bring to the attention of the learning community.