Middle East: peace

A Muslim-background believer in Jesus living in the Middle East asks for prayer for Israel–Gaza: “I would want the war to stop now. I believe Psalm 46 and Micah 4:1–5 is a great way to see and pray God’s vision that war weapons will turn to harvest tools. Please pray for walls against the message […]

Israel/Gaza: peace

Please continue to pray for peace to prevail. Pray for an end to suffering, for remaining hostages to be released, and for comfort for all those who have lost loved ones or who do not know what has happened to friends and family.

Gaza and Israel and the Church on the frontline

Mission partner Joel Kelling reports on the church in action and reasons for hope

Heartbreak in the Holy Land

CMS people in mission urgently ask for prayer.

From addiction to new life in Jesus

Because of your generosity, CMS local partner Wilhelm Polikhronidi can help men struggling with addiction to rewrite their life story.