Argentina: training for female leaders

Please pray for local partner Mirna Paulo as she conducts training in administration next week for female leaders as part of her role of nurturing believers and helping to lead AMARE, a pioneering women’s movement. Pray for safety in travel for Mirna and all those receiving the training, and for the training to be useful […]

Honduras: supporting young people at risk

Mission partners Lindsey and Steve Poulson, mentoring young people at risk in Honduras, write that Proyecto Alas, the project they are part of, has been able to grow their staff team this year to better support the 62 children and young people on their books. They have hired a new education coordinator, Abi, and increased […]

The Ark in the Park: Pioneer Mission in Brazil

Online evening with CMS mission partners Marcio Ciechanowicz and Noemi Celeti

Indigenous leaders equipped for ministry

Nine indigenous leaders recently graduated from a new mission and ministry training centre

Paraguay: permits and more

Please pray for mission partner Tim Curtis as he spends next week sorting out a new residence permit and other documents. Pray for safety in travel and for everything to be ready by 30 January.

Ecuador: new life skills students

Mission partner Sharon Wilcox works with young adults with learning disabilities in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, teaching them life skills and helping them grow in independence. Sharon shares that two new students joined the Orchid Project in Santo Domingo in October and another two in December. Please pray that the new students will make friends in […]

Chile: new Anglican bishop

Pray for the consecration of the new Anglican Bishop of Santiago, Juan Esteban Saravia, this Sunday. At the same ceremony the Church will give thanks for the service of Archbishop Héctor Zavala Muñoz as both Bishop of Santiago and Primate of the Province of Chile and install Bishop Enrique Lago Zugadi as the new Primate. […]

Hope from the Edges January 2025

Watch our latest good news stories from South Asia, Ecuador and the UK!

Making room – a Christmas reflection

Lisa Peart, mission partner in Bolivia, writes about the power and joy of making room for each other and for Jesus

Bolivia: Christmas outreach and marriage ministry

CMS local partner and Bishop of Bolivia Walter Toro asks us to pray for an upcoming Christmas outreach campaign at Misión Ajaría in La Paz, where church workers hope to bring the good news and share the love of Jesus with a community in need. Pray that people will meet Jesus. Bishop Walter also invites […]

Worldwide: Christmas break

As CMS people in mission and staff celebrate Christmas, please pray for a restful time with family and friends for those who will see them, and a meaningful time of celebrating the coming of Jesus for all. For those in countries where there is persecution, pray for safety. Pray for fresh vision for how God […]

Brazil: prison ministry

Please pray for mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh as they press on in prison ministry despite opposition from prison staff. Andy and Kati ask for prayer for swift approval from the governor for them to resume ministry in the women’s prison and for every stronghold hindering the gospel’s work to be broken. Pray that […]