Brazil: sharing the gospel in prison

Tomorrow (Saturday 24 Feb), mission partner Andy Walsh will deliver the first in a series of sessions on the gospel to 20 men in a prison he hasn’t visited before. Andy asks for prayer for the course to be successful and for the Word to take root in the inmates’ lives.

Paraguay: guidance for ministry

Pray for mission associates Alison and Chris Hawksbee as they consider their involvement this year. Pray for God to guide them with regard to both how much they should be involved and in which areas of ministry.

Yes! Anglican Inspiration

A new book by CMS member Maurice Sinclair helps us reflect on our own place in God's missional plans

Chile: fires

Please pray for Chile, where more than 100 people have been killed by fires in Valparaíso Province. Remember all those who have lost loved ones, those whose homes have been destroyed and all those who have had to flee. Local partner Gabriel Parra and his family, who live in the city of Valparaíso, are safe […]

Ecuador: ongoing fighting

Please pray for Ecuador, where there is an ongoing state of internal armed conflict. Mission partner Sharon Wilcox asks for prayer for to be able to continue to look for opportunities to start new Orchid projects and train volunteers so that more young people can gain the skills they need to become independent.

Paraguay: rain

Please pray for more rain in the coming months in the central and north of the Chaco after a very hot January with lower than average rainfall.

Brazil: finding foster families

Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford in Olinda, Brazil, work with ReVive International, which transforms the lives of children who have endured abuse, neglect and exploitation. One way this happens is this is through a new foster care programme. The Bayfords write: “The foster team are amazing and working hard to get this service going […]

Bolivia: mission planning

Praise God for a fruitful meeting in Cochabamba of representatives of Indigenous Peoples from the Anglican Church across the Provinces of South America and Chile. Through prayer, discussion and discernment a plan for mission work with Indigenous Peoples was developed together with representatives from CMS. Please pray for the outworking of the plans made and […]

Life on the inside

A prisoner from Brazil shares his story of finding the light and hope of Jesus amid the bleakness of life in prison.

Ecuador: ongoing tensions

Please continue to pray for Ecuador following the upsurge in violence we shared about last week. The situation is still delicate with some violence continuing – the investigator of the takeover of the TV station was shot dead this week. However, prison guards who had been taken hostage have been released. Pray for peace to […]

Paraguay: rain

Mission partner Tim Curtis in the Chaco region says, “Many thanks for your prayers for rain.” Underground water storage tanks (repaired a few months ago) are now full and holding the precious water.

New chapters in Central America

How Jesus changed the lives of two young men on the edges in Honduras