Latin America: El Niño

Please pray for those affected by the changed weather patterns in Latin America as a result of El Niño. Several areas including the Amazon continue to be hit by severe drought while the Panama Canal has had to reduce the number of ships passing through it as there is not enough water to feed the […]

Latin America: creative, innovative mission

Pray for the ongoing conversations in Latin America involving the CMS Latin America team, people in mission and partners in the region exploring how CMS can best contribute to a movement of creative and innovative mission that will reach those who the traditional Church struggles to engage with.

Mexico: hurricane aftermath

A powerful storm, Hurricane Otis, hit Mexico’s Pacific coast on Wednesday. Officials are assessing the damage caused by the hurricane and according to the ministry of defence, 8,000 soldiers have been deployed to help clear up the damage. Pray for all those affected by the hurricane. 

Ecuador: new Orchid Project

Praise God that a second Orchid Project is starting up in Cuenca to help empower adults with intellectual disabilities to become independent. The project is being launched this Monday, in Cuenca Christian Church (where mission partner Bev Cannon and mission associate Johnny de Pinos are serving).  Pray for confidence and encouragement for the volunteers, who […]

Ecuador: new president

Following elections last weekend, Ecuador has its youngest ever president, 35-year-old Daniel Noboa. President Noboa faces significant challenges in the country, notably increased insecurity as drug trafficking gangs vie for control of lucrative supply routes. Please pray for President Noboa and for Ecuador, particularly for peace and security for the people there.

Guatemala: ongoing protests

Please continue to hold Guatemala in prayer as protests continue to try to ensure a democratic transition of power following recent elections which were won by President-elect Bernardo Arévalo. Roads have been blocked across the country and food and fuel supplies have been highly limited. CMS mission partners Azaria Spencer and Mark and Rosalie Balfour […]

Paraguay and Brazil: rain

Tim Curtis, in Rio Verde, Paraguay, asks for prayer for rain in the Chaco region. It has not rained for a long time, the water tanks are empty and temperatures are often well above 40C. Similarly, the Amazon is also experiencing drought as water levels at the Manaus port in Brazil have reached their lowest […]

Central America, Ecuador: travelling to encourage

Please continue to pray for Andrew Johnson and Jo Anthony, travelling to visit CMS people in mission in Central America and Ecuador respectively. Pray for continued safe travel and encouraging times with all those they visit and meet.

Guatemala: protests

The country has been brought to a standstill due to nationwide protests, including roadblocks, against those in authority who are perceived to be blocking the transition to power (in January) of the democratically elected president Bernardo Arévalo. Protests have been building for a few weeks but have gained momentum recently, and protestors are demanding the […]

More than a market

A project to save food waste and serve poor communities has led to changed lives in Brazil.

Latin America: travelling to encourage

Please pray for Jo Anthony and Andrew Johnson from the CMS staff team who are travelling in Latin America this week. Andrew is in Central America and Jo in Bolivia and then Ecuador, visiting CMS people in mission in those areas. May they have safe and helpful trips and may they encourage and support all […]

Peru: local partner visit

Give thanks for local partner Victor Condori from Peru, who visited the CMS office in Oxford this week. Victor is rector of Cristo Redentor Anglican church in Arequipa, and is part of a team responsible for training future leaders (both lay and ordained) across Peru. Pray for Victor and the future leaders he is investing […]