Brazil: freedom through dance
Mission partner Sarah Brito Medeiros, who is involved in dance therapy ministry in Recife, Brazil, asks for prayer as she writes a book to share her knowledge and experience in helping people find healing and freedom through dance. Please pray for the book to be finished quickly and for Sarah as she trains others in […]
Peru: prison visits
Mission partner Anna Sims, involved in prison ministry in Lima, is hoping to restart prison visits after the long summer holidays, but has yet to have her pass renewed and has no news of what is happening. Please pray for doors to open so that she and others can resume their visits to encourage, minister […]
Brazil: prison ministry
Andy and Kati Walsh, mission partners involved in prison ministry in Florianópolis, Brazil, share that their work is hindered by a lack of support and goodwill among prison staff, who are sceptical and sometimes even hostile towards them. Pray for God to change the hearts of staff members in the prisons as they see God […]
Argentina: new training centre
The new Anglican Centre for Formation, which CMS is supporting, opened its doors to students this week. Based in Juárez, in the Argentine Chaco, this centre is for the training and formation of indigenous leaders for ministry and mission in their communities. Please pray for the students and teachers at the centre, for God’s leading […]
Brazil: creative mission for the region
CMS is facilitating a meeting of participants from across Latin America to explore pioneering mission in Latin America. This is focused around a vision for a mission movement which engages with people the established Church struggles to reach, through creative and innovative mission. Pray for the preparations for this meeting which will take place in […]
Latin America: El Niño
Please continue to pray for all those across the region experiencing unusual weather due to the El Niño phenomenon. Some areas are experiencing very low rainfall while others are experiencing unusually high rainfall and flooding. Pray for all those being badly affected either through lack of water or from too much.
Central America: travelling
Mission partners Mark and Rosalie Balfour, writing from Guatemala, ask for prayer for upcoming travel as they continue their pastoral ministry to other people in mission: “On Friday this week [1 March] we are driving to Honduras for another visit to folk there. We are going through El Salvador again and are due to arrive […]
Brazil: sharing the gospel in prison
Tomorrow (Saturday 24 Feb), mission partner Andy Walsh will deliver the first in a series of sessions on the gospel to 20 men in a prison he hasn’t visited before. Andy asks for prayer for the course to be successful and for the Word to take root in the inmates’ lives.
Paraguay: guidance for ministry
Pray for mission associates Alison and Chris Hawksbee as they consider their involvement this year. Pray for God to guide them with regard to both how much they should be involved and in which areas of ministry.
Yes! Anglican Inspiration
A new book by CMS member Maurice Sinclair helps us reflect on our own place in God's missional plans
Chile: fires
Please pray for Chile, where more than 100 people have been killed by fires in Valparaíso Province. Remember all those who have lost loved ones, those whose homes have been destroyed and all those who have had to flee. Local partner Gabriel Parra and his family, who live in the city of Valparaíso, are safe […]
Ecuador: ongoing fighting
Please pray for Ecuador, where there is an ongoing state of internal armed conflict. Mission partner Sharon Wilcox asks for prayer for to be able to continue to look for opportunities to start new Orchid projects and train volunteers so that more young people can gain the skills they need to become independent.