Brazil: travelling

Please pray for CMS manager in Latin America Paul Tester and director of mission Andy Roberts as they spend time in Brazil visiting people in mission. Pray for them to bring encouragement to those they visit.

Ecuador: assassination

Mission partners Sharon Wilcox and Bev Cannon ask for prayer following the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio, one of the candidates for the presidential election being held on 20 August. Please pray for comfort for his family, for people to remain calm, for the protection of the remaining candidates and for those involved with the killing […]

Brazil: travelling

Please pray for CMS manager in Latin America Paul Tester and director of mission Andy Roberts as they travel to Brazil to visit people in mission. Pray for them to bring encouragement to those they spend time with and to be encouraged themselves by what they see God is doing in this country.

Brazil: travelling

Pray for CMS’s mission work in Brazil, for CMS’s people in mission in the country and for those CMS is partnering with there. Mission director Andy Roberts and manager in Latin America Paul Tester will be visiting people across the country over the next few weeks. Please pray for safe travels, for the incredible mission […]

Ecuador: discipleship and growth

We give thanks with mission partner Bev Cannon de Pinos and mission associate Johnny de Pinos for a recent 12-week discipleship programme and for all those who attended. Pray particularly for those who personally gave their lives to Jesus, as they grow and mature spiritually in Christ, and for the four new people who are […]

Ecuador: conflict and violence

As Ecuador faces a continued wave of violence fuelled by the drugs trade please pray for peace and for good government in the country. Recent violence involving gangs fighting over cocaine transportation routes has left gang members dead, prison guards held hostage and recently the mayor of the city of Manta was assassinated. Pray for […]

“There is life at the edges…”

In the summer, Church Mission Society celebrated how God is at work with partners from around the world

The cutting edge

Haircuts and mentoring carved a brighter future with Jesus for one young Honduran drawn into drugs and street life

Brazil: social supermarket

Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford write that a change in staff at one of their suppliers has made it more difficult to consistently provide food for the local community. They have been able to continue to provide for customers through different suppliers, but this is only a week-to-week solution. Pray for Rosie and Stu […]

Argentina: mission work going forward

Having returned to the UK, Nick Drayson and Catherine Le Tissier ask for prayer for those who will take forward the mission work in the diocese of Northern Argentina and in the Province of South America, especially leaders adjusting to new roles in AMARE and other organisations.

Latin America

Pray for the democratic institutions across Latin America. There is a controversial recount underway in Guatemala’s presidential election. Meanwhile former president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro has been banned from running for office until 2030 following his questioning of the use of electronic voting machines. May the will of the people be reflected in the results […]


Pray for lasting peace in Colombia after a truce was agreed between the last remaining active guerrilla group, the ELN, and the government. Pray too for peace across the Latin America region as violence related to the drugs trade continues. Multiple killings in Honduras recently are one shocking example of wider problems.