Learning to lay things down

Phil and Sylvie Good reflect on how Middle East mission meant laying aside not just home comforts but even the skills they had to offer

Lebanon: ongoing financial crisis

Pray for Lebanon, where the financial crisis continues. Please pray for God-fearing leaders to come forward, for grace and mercy on the people, for economic and political change.

Walking with refugees in Lebanon

CEO Alastair Bateman's recent travels shone a light on perhaps the most important part of mission work - relationships

Springs of water

The crisis in Lebanon is energy-sapping in every way. Phil Good asks where is the living water for the poor and refugees?

“If you are there God, show me”: a Syrian woman’s story

Meet Tamar, a CMS local partner who helps people in the Arab world see God in new ways.

Emil and Reem Bourizk, Lebanon

Providing education for refugee children and offering pastoral care for non-church people and Iraqi Christian families.

Nabil and Sarah Shehadi, Lebanon

Nabil is Alpha Levant coordinator. Sarah manages the hospitality and administration side, and runs courses with Nabil.

Video: The power of love in Lebanon

Meet our local partners Emil and Reem Bourizk who have set up a school for Syrian refugee children in their home in Lebanon, helping to transform a situation of trauma, hopelessness and enmity.